Duck Addicts Anonymous (DAA)

Do you have too many ducks?

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By bill color three of mine are female and five are male, however one bill is still pink which means I can't know for sure.

I'll vent sex once they're about four weeks old and I can see clearly.
How old are they now?

I really want to try it, since I only plan on keeping the girls and I don’t know how to vent sex. But I’ve heard by the bills isn’t always accurate?
Nothing special, just a few pictures taken during our nice foraging walk this AM.
Some of y'all remember that when I originally acquired my Buff Orpington ducks I thought for sure that they were Saxony ducklings. Well as they grew it was obvious that they weren't and I was very disapointed. So I bought adult Saxony, and the plan was to get rid of my buff. But they're cute and I just couldn't.
Fast forward a couple months, and my Saxony are laying big white eggs. . .woo hoo😐 I was really hoping to get some blue eggs, but no, just plain white.
Fast forward a few more weeks. . .
Surely an alien chicken is responsible for this blue butt nugget🥲

(These pics don't do the blue eggs justice, they're prettier irl)

My buff lay BLUE EGGS!!! And they've steadily been giving me these beautiful blue eggs for weeks now. I know it's silly but I just love blue eggs😭

So now I have meat, eggs, and color, everything I had hoped for😆
Those ducklings are all very cute guys.

This thread seems to be the best place for this instead of starting a new thread altogether.

I have 2 cayuga drakes and need to get rid of some drakes. One of the drakes is perfect. Looks more blue and green than black, black bill and legs. His only problem is that he is half the size he should be. The other drake is the exact opposite. Lot's of brown feathers, yellow bill and legs. But he is the perfect size.

I have one cayuga duck who is like the first duck. Would it be best to keep the second drake to get the size and cull/sell those that aren't up to standard? Keep the first drake and just accept the offspring will be small? Or keep both drakes and wait and see?

Thank you in advance

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