Duck Addicts Anonymous (DAA)

Do you have too many ducks?

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You know you have a problem when you have nightmares about ducks.
I was having a dream this morning that I was doing chores and I kept finding pens full of ducklings that I forgot I had and hadn't been feeding. 😭
Some of them were in poor shape and I was so upset.
Good grief.
I have nightmares about dux all the time, and there is nothing wrong with me. I am perfect

Wow gorgeous ducks and great pictures! I can never get pictures that good of my flock. Someone’s always moving or flying mid-photo. :p

What a nice hubby so support you on your duck journey! :pop
My bf can never understand my need for all the ducks… I told him if it was an ultimatum I
might (Fine would) choose the ducks over him… :gig
Thanks! I take tons of photos and delete a bunch to get a few good ones. I also invested in a really nice DSLR camera. It really is deserves the credit for most of the nice photos.

My husband has been pretty awesome. He wasn't super excited about getting ducks at first, but he was supportive. He may be a bigger duck love than me now 😆. Takes a lot of willpower on both our parts to not get more ducks.

You know you have a problem when you have nightmares about ducks.
I was having a dream this morning that I was doing chores and I kept finding pens full of ducklings that I forgot I had and hadn't been feeding. 😭
Some of them were in poor shape and I was so upset.
Good grief.
That is terrible. I have not had nightmares so far. I just imagine hearing duck noises, like peeping or quacking. Granted there is nothing worse than watching a movie with ducks quacking in the background and thinking yours are calling for you.
Thanks! I take tons of photos and delete a bunch to get a few good ones. I also invested in a really nice DSLR camera. It really is deserves the credit for most of the nice photos.

My husband has been pretty awesome. He wasn't super excited about getting ducks at first, but he was supportive. He may be a bigger duck love than me now 😆. Takes a lot of willpower on both our parts to not get more ducks.

That is terrible. I have not had nightmares so far. I just imagine hearing duck noises, like peeping or quacking. Granted there is nothing worse than watching a movie with ducks quacking in the background and thinking yours are calling for you.
🤣 I often think I hear peeping and then realise I don't have any littles inside anymore.

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