Duck and Silkie setting on nest


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
I had left the eggs from several silkies to see if one would get broody and set on them, but once the nest got about 22 eggs one of the hens and a duck I have desided to start setting them. They are both crapped together in the nesting box together. Do I leave them alone and see what happens when they hatch? They are in a big pen with all my other chickens, and just have water pans for drinking and no ponds. Will the duck and hen fight over who will be momma or split baby's or what? Thanks in advance for you input.
Have no idea what will happen but, it would be an interesting experiment. When two hens go broody together in the same place they tend to share the chicks and watch over them. I think you might have a problem if the duck hatches chick eggs and is trying to encourage them to go to a pond and swim. Likewise a chicken mother hatching duck eggs but, have a stroke when her "perceived" babies run into water. Hope you have a video cam to record all this.
Thanks. Don't have any water other than drinking pans to worry about. I was amazed to see the duck and the silkie laying together. The duck is normally a total outcast in my chicken coop.
My chickens and ducks also have been laying in the same nest, sometimes I wonder what would happen if I just didn't collect the eggs
My chickens and ducks also have been laying in the same nest, sometimes I wonder what would happen if I just didn't collect the eggs
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That is quit a nest you have going on there, the problem is booth are sitting and if you move the they might both stop so let them deal with it and if there are duck eggs in ther the chicken egg's will hatch first so that should end your problem right there


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