duck attacked...too big for predator to take now easter pullet missing!!!!


6 Years
May 13, 2013
New Orleans LA
i am heartbroken right daughters FAVORITE Easter egg-er pullet who had blue legs is missing.....and one of our Peking ducks was in the pond dead 3 days ago...(I was out of town hub found her in the pond floating)....and another one of my Peking ducks has been attacked.....she has a deep puncture wound above her right wing that was filled with maggots when I got back from my aunts funeral in NC today...and a huge patch of missing feathers on her I have brought her to the screened in porch and set her up a nesting area away from bugs....flushed the wound with peroxide.....picked out as many maggots as I could with hemostats and loaded the wound with honey.....only to find another wound under her right wing......I trimmed back all the feathers and have her in clean bedding and gave her a warm bath in the laundry room sink.....gave her enough water to float in and didn't see any bubbles in the water like her lungs were punctured......there is a good amount of dead tissue and she was missing for over 24 hrs.......none of my animals are allowed out until i figure out what is going on......and all I can figure is it is either a hawk or an owl.....but they are in their pen at night so I'm figuring a there anything any of you wonderful knowledgeable people can recommend to further treat her......she seems perk enough and is preening and I have a lamp over part of her pen to help her dry after her late night bath......fortunately we live in south Louisiana and its not like its cold here......
Betadine (iodine) is better than peroxide. The peroxide will destroy bacteria but will also kill new growing cells and betadine won't.
Trim away any feathers that are getting into the wound.
Flush with saline solution to clean everything out.
Pour the betadine in the wound.
Then treat with Campho Phenique.
Then pack the wound with a triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.

Do this at least once a day, twice is preferable.

It would also be good to inject some type of penicillin subcutaneously for a few days.

During the day dogs and foxes could be culprits.
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thank you......I was using peroxide because it was killing the maggots and bubbling them out of the wound.......this morning she is quacking a lil but she is not eating.....I will go get betadine today.....
Okay so this is gross but are the maggots a bad thing? I thought they only ate dead flesh and are still used sometimes to remove dead flesh in humans (though very rare circumstances)

Or are they maggots that are not the regular kind?
no they are the regular kind however her whole back was crawiling with them......and I just couldnt handle it......when I looked at it her back was moving.....and there are other ways to clear dead tissue......I mean come on....if you had a wound would you want maggots crawling on it??

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