Duck behavior - friendly or aggressive?


May 21, 2021
Hi, it’s me again. 😅 We have 2 males, 1 female 5 month old pekin ducks. We are going to rehome the males (because we have 15 chickens, too). We got two more pekin females (so our girl has friends) yesterday that are 1 1/2 years old. We’ve set up a run right next to the duck coop so they can see each other, but not touch. The current ducks are free range during the day and locked up at night. Since we got the new ducks, our current ducks won’t leave their side. They hang around the new pen non stop. I’m not familiar with duck behavior, but is this a good sign or would they be aggressive once we introduce them? They don’t seem to be acting aggressively. They just stand there and “talk” to the new girls. How long should we wait before letting the new girls loose?
An update- we let them all meet today and they’ve been inseparable all day. The boys picked on the new girls a little, but nothing more than them grabbing their tail feathers.

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