Duck Mating?


Mar 18, 2024
How often do ducks mate? Is it seasonal? I am asking because I have a male pekin who we adopted last fall and I have 2 females ...1 pekiin, 1 black sweedish...and I never see them mating..never ..ever! Im so used to having seen the rooster mating with the hens QUITE this is why I am asking.
I have had my flock for almost a year so quite new at this.
Couples stay together all winter and come spring, they go about making ducklings, and then the guys go on their way, and might find new mates next season. April is in the middle of the season for a reason (mating) that runs from March to late may!!
How often do ducks mate? Is it seasonal? I am asking because I have a male pekin who we adopted last fall and I have 2 females ...1 pekiin, 1 black sweedish...and I never see them mating..never ..ever! Im so used to having seen the rooster mating with the hens QUITE this is why I am asking.
I have had my flock for almost a year so quite new at this.
Also if you want to know if they are mating or not you will notice Head-Pumping Males and females rhythmically bob their heads

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