Duck Breed Focus - Welsh Harlequin

One drake should be fine if you really want him.  If you are thinking of breeding the WH, you will end up with more drakes to either cull/rehome so ask yourself if you can do that.  If you aren't thinking of breeding the WH, then just ask yourself why you really want him.  If you have a good solid reason, then one drake should be fine.  If not, zero is even better.

Thanks for the help!

I guess I mostly just want him because I think the WH are gorgeous and also because I thought males were quieter and wanted one quiet duck? But that doesn't really make sense because with all girls, one male wouldn't really make a difference in volume unless I got all males.

So I guess it would be best to not get one?

But I don't have a problem with rehoming although I might get too attached to cull. And they might be hard to find homes for or not really? Might be harder with mix ducks than purebreds?
Thanks for the help!

I guess I mostly just want him because I think the WH are gorgeous and also because I thought males were quieter and wanted one quiet duck? But that doesn't really make sense because with all girls, one male wouldn't really make a difference in volume unless I got all males.

So I guess it would be best to not get one?

But I don't have a problem with rehoming although I might get too attached to cull. And they might be hard to find homes for or not really? Might be harder with mix ducks than purebreds?
If you do breed, you may be able to tell your WH's eggs from the other eggs. If you only let those hatch, you wouldn't have to worry about mix ducks. The rest make good omelets
. But if you do hatch ducks, they are 50% likely to be male so you will most likely be in a cull/rehome situation. Girl ducks will produce eggs without a drake around so if you aren't breeding, the only advantage with the drake is the pretty green head. I got my first drake because of the pretty green head. I got my second drake because as a crested duck, it would be in additional danger because I have a drake who would tug hard on the crest if my crested was a girl. So I had a reason for both of my boys. When I have to deal with the additional work and worry - I can look at those reasons and know why I did it. I love both of my boys and would never get rid of them, but if I could time travel, I would probably not have gotten my first drake, but would still want Tevye (not any crested drake, just Tevye), because despite being a drake, he is totally awesome!
If you do breed, you may be able to tell your WH's eggs from the other eggs.  If you only let those hatch, you wouldn't have to worry about mix ducks.  The rest make good omelets :drool .  But if you do hatch ducks, they are 50% likely to be male so you will most likely be in a cull/rehome situation.  Girl ducks will produce eggs without a drake around so if you aren't breeding, the only advantage with the drake is the pretty green head.  I got my first drake because of the pretty green head.  I got my second drake because as a crested duck, it would be in additional danger because I have a drake who would tug hard on the crest if my crested was a girl.  So I had a reason for both of my boys.  When I have to deal with the additional work and worry - I can look at those reasons and know why I did it.  I love both of my boys and would never get rid of them, but if I could time travel, I would probably not have gotten my first drake, but would still want Tevye (not any crested drake, just Tevye), because despite being a drake, he is totally awesome!

I hadn't thought about that, that is a good idea. Do they a different color egg than other breeds? And how do you tell if a duck is laying or not? I know with chickens you can tell if the comb and wattles are bright red, if they have started squatting yet, and/or I think by looking at their vent? But I haven't used that last method. But ducks don't have a comb and wattles so how do you tell?

Hmm, I guess maybe I shouldn't get a drake but then again they are gorgeous and maybe I will get lucky with a great drake like Tevye.

But then again I don't have a rooster either so maybe they'd be better off without a drake?
A duck you can tell because there's an egg
Each duck's egg looks slightly different. Some are longer vs wide and different weight ranges some ducks have smoother shells, some are coarser. Other ducks may have different color eggs depending on what you get. WH are white, but with just a few ducks, you should with time be able to identify who's is who's especially if you only care about 1 duck's egg. I know a couple of my ducks' eggs by sight but most of the white ones, I can't identify - Entie's are white though and I can Identify them because they are almost perfectly round (at least for an egg). Dove's I can identify because they are green (I have three green layers) and they have a ring that is slightly bluer around the pointy end (no one else does that). Allie's are over 90g, no one else is. Tella and Ettie - actual sisters born the same day from the same nest have tangerine tinted eggs (but I can't tell them apart.) If once they were laying you brought your WH inside for a couple days, you would know what her eggs looked like. If they were identifiable vs the other ducks, you could go by that. If not then you could isolate her long enough for a brood of eggs (after making sure her eggs were fertilized) then hatch those eggs.
A duck you can tell because there's an egg :gig Each duck's egg looks slightly different.  Some are longer vs wide and different weight ranges some ducks have smoother shells, some are coarser.  Other ducks may have different color eggs depending on what you get.  WH are white, but with just a few ducks, you should with time be able to identify who's is who's especially if you only care about 1 duck's egg.  I know a couple of my ducks' eggs by sight but most of the white ones, I can't identify - Entie's are white though and I can Identify them because they are almost perfectly round (at least for an egg).  Dove's I can identify because they are green (I have three green layers) and they have a ring that is slightly bluer around the pointy end (no one else does that).  Allie's are over 90g, no one else is.  Tella and Ettie - actual sisters born the same day from the same nest have tangerine tinted eggs (but I can't tell them apart.) If once they were laying you brought your WH inside for a couple days, you would know what her eggs looked like.  If they were identifiable vs the other ducks, you could go by that.  If not then you could isolate her long enough for a brood of eggs (after making sure her eggs were fertilized) then hatch those eggs.

True! Lol

Those are all great ideas, thanks for the ideas and help. If I end up getting a drake, i will try those
I am looking to re-home several Welsh Harlequin drakes. These are silver phase from Metzers, 20 weeks old. Is there a forum for this?
All advice is welcome.
· What made you decide to get this breed?
A-Auto sexing of ducklings, dual purpose bird, could hatch there own eggs, rare breed in need of farmers to take up there cause.
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
A-Simple answer is yes! We first got ducks when we found out that my tumor wasn't cancerous. After a few months and learning that we loved ducks and most importantly that our neighbor's dogs didnt care for them(since they ate all of our chickens after breaking into our yard and then into our enclosed chicken coop!) we paid the big bucks to get them from a breeder in Oregon. We have enjoyed their eggs and are learning how to cook their meat properly and we plan on breeding this spring provided we have any healthy enough. My flock has taken a hard hit in the last few months. Weirdly enough it's only really effected my Welsh Harlequins and that concerns me greatly!
I might be on the lookout for some different stock.
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
A-Auto sexing!
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!





Your Fellow Homesteader,

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