Duck Diaper? And let's talk poo!


Duck Obsessed
15 Years
Jan 17, 2009
North Eastern PA
I'm looking for some advice on sewing a duck diaper for my Muscovy hen. I tried to "wing it" with Chicken mom's pattern from youtube But it just isn't fitting correctly. I'd like to get it done myself since I don't have time to wait for shipping. Can anyone give me exact advice how to measure so it will fit perfect? I promise if you are someone that makes them I will buy a fancy one off you once I get paid but for right now this is just for keeping her from pooping on the floor. She is the best animal ever and I don't want to lose her because of the mess.

Also, is there any way I can safely reduce the smell of her poo? I mean I expect it to smell but right now it's very stinky, nothing like the ducklings I've raised in the past. Can I give her something or feed her/not feed her something?

She really hasn't taken too much interest in food yet as she's still adjusting and it's only been a few hours, but she is drinking and is starting to slowly explore.
I'm looking for some advice on sewing a duck diaper for my Muscovy hen. I tried to "wing it" with Chicken mom's pattern from youtube But it just isn't fitting correctly. I'd like to get it done myself since I don't have time to wait for shipping. Can anyone give me exact advice how to measure so it will fit perfect? I promise if you are someone that makes them I will buy a fancy one off you once I get paid but for right now this is just for keeping her from pooping on the floor. She is the best animal ever and I don't want to lose her because of the mess.

Also, is there any way I can safely reduce the smell of her poo? I mean I expect it to smell but right now it's very stinky, nothing like the ducklings I've raised in the past. Can I give her something or feed her/not feed her something?

She really hasn't taken too much interest in food yet as she's still adjusting and it's only been a few hours, but she is drinking and is starting to slowly explore.
I took this from the goose thread but I think it's one of the best I've seen you might PM her and see if she'd share..forgot to mention I use Fermented feed for my flock and it has greatly reduced the smell of their poop, [except for the broody's] if interested in try ff let me know.
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Here she is!!!
This is a diaper that I made from my version of a diaper I ordered.

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I took this from the goose thread but I think it's one of the best I've seen you might PM her and see if she'd share..forgot to mention I use Fermented feed for my flock and it has greatly reduced the smell of their poop, [except for the broody's] if interested in try ff let me know.
  • chilln_peeps.v1323720405.png
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Here she is!!!
This is a diaper that I made from my version of a diaper I ordered.

That is so cute! My 2 Pin's also "stink" ! What do you do? What is that fermented stuff? I've never heard of it. My 2 are not in to so.
they like the hand when it has food. Other than that, they hate me. Right now, my hubby built me a screen room enclosure to be w/ them. He found screen room panels at our dump. He layed them down, drilled holes on all corners and threaded zip strips threw all ends. He tied together 3 panels and left one w/ the zip strips there, but loose So I go in, then I use a bungee strap and go threw to make the screens a square. That way they can't get out. Someone told me to be there all the time and not to force myself on them. Hopefully it's going to work but right now, forget it. I'm a food object, that's it. They hate me touching them. I thought they were going to be friendly but their not.
Sorry I got carried away w/ this.
I work for a parrot rescue. When we get a "food motivated" animal we start to train them to behave the way we want to. Try clicker training with your guys. You could easily train them to come when called and to tolerate petting. All you need to clicker train is an animal that will take food from you, a specific sound to mark a good behavior (a tongue click will do), and their absolute favorite treat. For coming when called, just say the word you want to use and give a treat. The back up a little and keep doing it. For touching them try petting a little then treating. Keep this up and with any luck they will realize they get treats only if you pet them first. This training will also strengthen the bond between you and your birds.
very good idea d&c, I whistle for mine, they all are vfree range so when I want them to come in I whistle, they come running because they know they are going to get something special, Dried mealworms are one of their favorites. I can have my flock of 38 right in front of me in about 5 mins. As for petting only a few of my ducks will let me pet them and I am okay with that, I can pet my dogs but just hanging out with me and wanting to be near is just fine with me. What ever you decide to use be consistent that's the important part.
as for fermenting it's very easy, I got hooked on this thread back in the fall of last year and it's pretty long but you'll learn a lot from it.
it's in the meat birds thread and although I don't eat my birds well other than extra roos, I wanted to make sure my flock was getting the best nutrition and also cut down on waste of feed. I went to my grocery store to the bakery dept and asked for a 3 gallon food grade bucket with lid. it cost 1.00 then I came home and added their feed to it enough to what I thought would last 3-4 days, it takes time to get the amt down. especially if you have quite a few birds. after I got the feed in I also added some 7 way scratch to it. about 1/3 of what feed I put in. then I filled a 1/2 gallon bucket with warm water and added 1/2 cup of Un pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar then poured this on the feed and stirred it up real good. My dh drilled holes into the top of the bucket lid for me not big holes but mainly to keep out bugs and ventilation then you wait. it should sit at least 24 hrs before feeding. Now consistency is something you'll have to work on some like it soupy I like mine moist but not soupy and not too dry. so adding small amts of water till you get it the way you like it is key. If you only have a few ducks/ chickens etc then start with small amt and add ACV accordingly. you don't want it smell like the liquor store reading through the thread will give you some ideas too. Sorry I didn't mean to post so much got carried away.
very good idea d&c, I whistle for mine, they all are vfree range so when I want them to come in I whistle, they come running because they know they are going to get something special, Dried mealworms are one of their favorites. I can have my flock of 38 right in front of me in about 5 mins. As for petting only a few of my ducks will let me pet them and I am okay with that, I can pet my dogs but just hanging out with me and wanting to be near is just fine with me. What ever you decide to use be consistent that's the important part.
as for fermenting it's very easy, I got hooked on this thread back in the fall of last year and it's pretty long but you'll learn a lot from it.
it's in the meat birds thread and although I don't eat my birds well other than extra roos, I wanted to make sure my flock was getting the best nutrition and also cut down on waste of feed. I went to my grocery store to the bakery dept and asked for a 3 gallon food grade bucket with lid. it cost 1.00 then I came home and added their feed to it enough to what I thought would last 3-4 days, it takes time to get the amt down. especially if you have quite a few birds. after I got the feed in I also added some 7 way scratch to it. about 1/3 of what feed I put in. then I filled a 1/2 gallon bucket with warm water and added 1/2 cup of Un pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar then poured this on the feed and stirred it up real good. My dh drilled holes into the top of the bucket lid for me not big holes but mainly to keep out bugs and ventilation then you wait. it should sit at least 24 hrs before feeding. Now consistency is something you'll have to work on some like it soupy I like mine moist but not soupy and not too dry. so adding small amts of water till you get it the way you like it is key. If you only have a few ducks/ chickens etc then start with small amt and add ACV accordingly. you don't want it smell like the liquor store reading through the thread will give you some ideas too. Sorry I didn't mean to post so much got carried away.
I'm not sure if I have to hit reply or always quote to answer U. Thanks for the info. I'll look into it! And the clicker training. I'd like to let them loose but I'm afraid they wont come back as they wont come to me now. Hubby is building them a home so for now their in my split ranch. Since they don't do steps!
I'm not sure if I have to hit reply or always quote to answer U. Thanks for the info. I'll look into it! And the clicker training. I'd like to let them loose but I'm afraid they wont come back as they wont come to me now. Hubby is building them a home so for now their in my split ranch. Since they don't do steps!
Oh no don't let them out till they are much older and are use to you and everything else, then maybe you can put up something temp so they can have outside time but not where you can not get them back. I have a duck due to hatch end of May and we are going to put up the plastic poultry fencing to keep her and ducklings in for about 3 weeks so the rest of the flock can see them and vise versa but they will be safe, I have 3 drakes and a gander plus even other ducks can hurt or kill ducklings so I am not taking any chances. Last year we lost 2 ducklings because I wasn't careful enough.
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Oh no don't let them out till they are much older and are use to you and everything else, then maybe you can put up something temp so they can have outside time but not where you can not get them back. I have a duck due to hatch end of May and we are going to put up the plastic poultry fencing to keep her and ducklings in for about 3 weeks so the rest of the flock can see them and vise versa but they will be safe, I have 3 drakes and a gander plus even other ducks can hurt or kill ducklings so I am not taking any chances. Last year we lost 2 ducklings because I wasn't careful enough.
Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't think of it. I have put in a chair so I can work on the computer and be there w/ them! There screens from a sunroom that the roof was damaged. My hubby brought it home from the dump with me in mind! He laid down the screens. Drilled holes on each end and put zip ties to hold 3 screens together. One side he put the zip ties and we use a bungee cord and we use the hooks on each end to hold them closed. Neat hu! well it's in my pekin ducks but did not come up when I went to paste it in for you. I'll try again later. It may be cuz it's to new. sorry
I'm having a lot of trouble getting the elastic fit right for her but the project is coming along. We got her duck pellets today and she loves them. She also likes my lizards mealworms. I'm just probably going to have to order one.
Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't think of it. I have put in a chair so I can work on the computer and be there w/ them! There screens from a sunroom that the roof was damaged. My hubby brought it home from the dump with me in mind! He laid down the screens. Drilled holes on each end and put zip ties to hold 3 screens together. One side he put the zip ties and we use a bungee cord and we use the hooks on each end to hold them closed. Neat hu! well it's in my pekin ducks but did not come up when I went to paste it in for you. I'll try again later. It may be cuz it's to new. sorry
I went and took a look that is a really nice enclosure, Hubs did good on that one.

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