Duck doing a weird panting thing

We have 3 ducklings and 2 of them are constantly panting. Started out just 1 doing and now 2. Should I medicate them for something? I have them some Vetrx but didnt seems to help.

Almost always is panting with ducklings due to too much heat in the brooder, and lack of space for them to move away from the heat. Take them out of their brooder, and set them in a basket at room temp for a few minutes and see if the panting stops.
Could you tell us how old they are, what the brooder temperature is, what kind of bedding you use, what they eat, if there are children or other pets in the home, anything else about them?
3 weeks, pine shavings/flakes not fine, Manna Pro Duckling/Gosling starter grower. They have a large area with plenty of room to get away from heat. We clean bedding daily because they are so messy. They do this even when we take them outside. We take them out for a few hours in the late afternoon for a swim and fresh air. They are not near any other animals. They are in the garage when not outside. Conditions are ideal. We have 2 Peking and 1 Welsh Harlequin, she seems fine. The Pekins are the ones panting.
Only the Pekins are panting? We've seen this before, Pekins tend to pant even if the conditions are ideal.
Ok. Should I be worried if they are doing it all the time? Would they also start making a honking/quacking noise while panting at this age as well? They could be as old as 4 weeks. We got them separately from the Welsh.

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