Duck egg cartons

I am working on selling my first dozen of duck eggs for hatching, and im beyond happy that they fit in a large chicken egg container. But i am working on finding ones for ducks specifically. :)
I've still been looking and called everywhere, even the distributor of the ones I had. The distributor says they hope to have some in several months, but that's several months too late for me.

I haven't had the money to order the jumbo/super size egg cartons yet. I really don't want them since I'd have to cut them in half (I only sell duck eggs in half doz).
When I heard that duck egg cartons aren't available, I started looking. Can't find any.

Can't find any goose egg cartons, either.

I've still got most of a case of duck egg cartons, but I go through them pretty fast. So I sure hope they come available again.
I'm glad I found this post. I was using the chicken egg cartons (We used to have like, a 100 chickens, but not any more. We just kept the cartons), and they don't close all the way over them. I need to get some bigger ones really badly, because we've broken a few trying to wedge it out of the fridge while supporting it. Of course, now that my duck is sitting, there's no duck eggs for eating. Good and bad. They really are awesome for baking, or even just breakfast.
My roommates buy Jumbo Eggs at the store sometimes. I've discovered that my Pekin duck eggs fit in it fabulously.
Well I got the Jumbo/Super egg cartons from today. My duck eggs don't quite fit so I have to use rubber bands to hold them shut. They aren't horrible but I'd much rather have the real cartons... sigh.

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