Duck egg ID help pekin/rouen


9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
SW Montana
I have 3 girl ducks 2 pekin and 1 rouen and 1 rouen drake. This fall I started getting 2 eggs, 1 very light bluish/greenish and the other white. I assumed that it was both pekins laying since they mature faster and they always lay early in the morning before I can see who it is. So the other duck started laying, another light bluish/greenish egg. Which makes me think that I had the original layers wrong and that the white belongs to the rouen and the colored belong to the pekins. That being said it possible that the pekins dad was a rouen my MIL has both pekins and rouens mixed in the same area, not sure that makes any difference on egg color. I just thought pekins layed white eggs. Any thoughts on the matter? Not that it makes a lot of difference but if I sell any hatching eggs this spring it would be good if the rouens egg was a different color as they would be what I sold....
My rouen hen laid blueish green eggs, never had pekins so cant tell you whatbthey lay. Hope this helps.
Well I think the cheapest way to tell if their pure breds is to breed them and hatch some of their eggs
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It is quite possible they are something else, my MIL is very opinionated about what she thinks she has and what she really has. I love her but sometimes she is frustrating. We argue about chickens all the time too
Off to do some research on white breeds......
The one way to see which duck is laying which egg is to separate one out each night to see what she laid in the morning. Also, if you are selling hatching eggs and want purebreds, separate the Rouen pair out so you know exactly whose eggs you are sending off. Otherwise, who knows?

You can't just tell by the colors really, egg color can vary within a breed. Some breeds generally lay certain colors, but its not exact. An individual duck will lay eggs with the same type of tint to them, but the color can be stronger or weaker during the season. My duck that lays green eggs comes back from winter lay off with a darker egg, which lightens up after a few eggs to her normal color, for example.

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