Duck eggs vs Chicken eggs

Linda in San Diego

11 Years
May 11, 2008
San Diego
DH wants me to ask this question. If you raise ducks for the eggs, are there advantages over chicken eggs? Size, flavor, etc. And how long does a duck lay eggs? Is it seasonal or year round? How many years, etc.

Thanks for any information!
I think duck eggs taste better and it only takes one duck egg to equal two good sized chicken eggs. Per egg, duck eggs are higher in cholesterol, BUT, if you only eat one duck egg rather than two chicken eggs you come out with less cholesterol. When I bake, I find the duck eggs make a fluffier cake, the hold breading better, they hold meatloaf together really well, they make fantastic egg-drog soup too! They do have a stronger flavor so I don't recommend trying to eat more than one at a time, and I don't like them hard boiled at all; it's just too much egg, and the yolk doesn't cook as fast because it's thicker and sometimes it's runny and yucko!!
My ducks lay all the time unless I let them sit their clutch of eggs, then they stop. Well ok, my Runner stops,, Whitey just keeps on laying, she has 23 eggs in her nest I discovered tonight, she hid them under the straw! Hershey has 8 eggs, she's my Runner hen, and she's sitting now.
Thanks for the information, I will let DH know. I am also off for the summer, the first summer in ages that I have not taught summer school and I am not sure what to do with myself. Delightful Dozen and multiple weddings for relatives in next month will help LOL
Duck eggs have always tasted a little gamey to me but my friends who used duck eggs rave about how great they are in cakes, pancakes, french toast etc...
What Writer of Words said X eleventy billion!

Also, ducks lay strongly for about 3 to 5 years before tapering off as opposed to a chickens laying strongly for 2.
Interesting, thanks for the information. Now, about the mess?? I saw some ducklings at a pet store, they have the messiest poop ever! And living in SoCal, I cannot refill kiddie pools daily, so I don't think ducklings are on our short list! LOL
Well, they can be just a tad messy (
), but if you have a garden you can recycle the water by letting the ducks play in it for a couple days and then water the garden with the rich duck poo tea.

That's what we do.

Duck poo is less hot than chicken poo because of all the grass and vegetation they eat.

Goose poo is even nicer since it is all grass and just waters right into the ground.
Thanks for sharing that about the water & garden Terri cause my husband always fusses about what a waste of water and how they dirty it so fast. I have geese and ducks so I know where that water will go now cause the garden always needs a drink here in this Texas heat.

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