Duck factory farming

chicken farmer

10 Years
Feb 7, 2012
I watched a Youtube video on factory farming ducks and just broke my heart! It is so cruel and heartless of what they do and I just want to take them all and release them at a lake and they can live there lives happy and clean!!!!! Here's the link to the video
Please watch it,I want to find a factory farm and buy a few and bring them home and they can live a happy,healthy,clean life but I'm not sure when that will be but I found the closest one in Ohio and it's 4 hours away but I'm up for going there sometime. Don't you guys think it's just horrible? Post pictures of your ducks swimming and being happy if you want...this just sucks so much
I can't wait till my mallard egg hatches and I get a couple pekins or runner ducklings and they live happy as can be!! This needs to stop! But atleast all of you guys take care of your ducks and they are happy!!!
I watched a Youtube video on factory farming ducks and just broke my heart! It is so cruel and heartless of what they do and I just want to take them all and release them at a lake and they can live there lives happy and clean!!!!! Here's the link to the video
Please watch it,I want to find a factory farm and buy a few and bring them home and they can live a happy,healthy,clean life but I'm not sure when that will be but I found the closest one in Ohio and it's 4 hours away but I'm up for going there sometime. Don't you guys think it's just horrible? Post pictures of your ducks swimming and being happy if you want...this just sucks so much
I can't wait till my mallard egg hatches and I get a couple pekins or runner ducklings and they live happy as can be!! This needs to stop! But atleast all of you guys take care of your ducks and they are happy!!!
Sorry I can't watch, too heart breaking and the picture will stay with me forever. But i agree this needs to stop, it's barbaric cruel and in humane.

There is an outbreak of some kind of bird flu in a factory farm in Cali around San Fran. they are having to destroy thousands of quail and pekin ducks, just awful the thoughts of it,. poor babies. If you don't have a fac farm close by to adopt why not look for ducks that need to be adopted form rescues especially this time of year right after Easter, I'd say many ducklings bought as easter gifts are very much in need of a wonderful safe home. Bless you for caring.
Sorry I can't watch, too heart breaking and the picture will stay with me forever. But i agree this needs to stop, it's barbaric cruel and in humane.

There is an outbreak of some kind of bird flu in a factory farm in Cali around San Fran. they are having to destroy thousands of quail and pekin ducks, just awful the thoughts of it,. poor babies. If you don't have a fac farm close by to adopt why not look for ducks that need to be adopted form rescues especially this time of year right after Easter, I'd say many ducklings bought as easter gifts are very much in need of a wonderful safe home. Bless you for caring.
Thanks for your support of the ducks,and yes that's true there is a lot of people that probably didn't want the ducklings after all and they need good homes.I will have to look around and see!!

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