Duck Foamy Eye

Yikes!  Thanks, Amykins.  I would hate for that to happen.  Her eye is foaming less but still looks swollen and a little irritated.  I haven't had the ducks long and this is the first problem I've experienced.  Would I need to actually bring her in to the vet?

Most vets won't sell antibiotics of any type without seeing the animal.

Most vets won't sell antibiotics of any type without seeing the animal.


Exactly. She needs a proper diagnosis. The OP stated flat out that the eye was getting worse, so a culture is likely needed to figure out the specific type of infection so that the proper form of antibiotic can be administered. Otherwise, you risk using one that is not effective against that particular strain, thus wiping out all other surrounding bacteria and giving it a nice clean pathway to spread even further, and making it more resistant to the antibacterials that ARE effective against it.
Thanks so much for all of your advice! I left a message with the vet, but it actually looks like it's finally healing. I haven't seen any foam in about 4 days and the swelling around the eye has gone down a lot. I think the injury was in the tissue around the eye rather than the eye itself, although the foam and how slow it was healing had me worried. I'm still using the Veterycin and apple cider vinegar in the water and keeping a close eye on it for any changes.
Ouch, I certainly wouldn't want it to turn into something like that. Even though it's improving, it's still not clear, so I'll call the vet again when they open on Monday. Thanks for the information and concern, Kathy!
My chick was also acting depressed (fluffed, not eating, droopy wings, etc), so I had to give mine antibiotics. If it had been just bubble with a little swelling I would have just watched it to see if it would clear on it's own, or perhaps I would have tried some saline flushes with the terramycin ointment.

You can see more pictures and read about the treatment I used here:


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