Duck Gardens?


🙄🤚 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔
Premium Feather Member
May 7, 2020
The Bermuda Triangle
On the side of the yard where the duck house will be we have an area against the fence with a fairy garden on the left with a bench, a wild flower garden on the right, and in the middle is the area that I'd like to have a garden. A duck garden. It's maybe 5 feet wide and about 7 feet long. There's a smallish island pine in it too. I was just wondering if people do this, and if they have any tips. I have a few questions as well:
1. Will they just destroy everything there right away?
2. If so, what can I do? I've attaching a picture of a 1 foot fence, will this work?
3. What plants can I plant? I've heard they rye, wheat grass, millet, kale, collards, spinach, chard, and dandelions. Are these good?
4. We have a lot of landscaping around the house. Are there any poisonous plants I should be aware of?
5. Is this even a good idea? lol


I'll attach a picture of the space when I get the time
If I am reading your post correctly the whole garden is only 5 x 7 feet with a one foot fence to keep them in? If so, no a one foot fence is too short, I use a three foot fence and on rare occasions they make it over that. Also, a 5 x 7 bed would be destroyed in a few hours, especially if you plant it with things they like. My 6 ducks free range in my garden during the day. It is about 24’ x 40’ with fenced raised beds in it. They keep the grass mowed and free of weeds. They eat anything they like down to the ground if they can get at it. I had one duck get in a 10 x 3 ft raised bed a few weeks ago. In an hour she ate 12 large spinach plants and all the leaves off 8 broccoli plants (she didn’t touch the celery though). Ducks also live to make mud and it is hard to tell them were to do that. I do love having them in my garden because they do eat slugs and many bugs and their dirty water is like miracle grow on my plants. Unless I am misunderstanding I think you need to rethink your plan.
If I am reading your post correctly the whole garden is only 5 x 7 feet with a one foot fence to keep them in? If so, no a one foot fence is too short, I use a three foot fence and on rare occasions they make it over that. Also, a 5 x 7 bed would be destroyed in a few hours, especially if you plant it with things they like. My 6 ducks free range in my garden during the day. It is about 24’ x 40’ with fenced raised beds in it. They keep the grass mowed and free of weeds. They eat anything they like down to the ground if they can get at it. I had one duck get in a 10 x 3 ft raised bed a few weeks ago. In an hour she ate 12 large spinach plants and all the leaves off 8 broccoli plants (she didn’t touch the celery though). Ducks also live to make mud and it is hard to tell them were to do that. I do love having them in my garden because they do eat slugs and many bugs and their dirty water is like miracle grow on my plants. Unless I am misunderstanding I think you need to rethink your plan.View attachment 2164831
I'll send a picture in a bit but but from the fence to about 5-6 feet out is a mulched area that goes all down the fence. The general area that I'd like to have the plants is around 5x7. The ducks would be free-ranged in the day. I was just wondering is I should fence it off until the plants grow bigger every time and then let them in it.
Also, pretty duckers!
I'll send a picture in a bit but but from the fence to about 5-6 feet out is a mulched area that goes all down the fence. The general area that I'd like to have the plants is around 5x7. The ducks would be free-ranged in the day. I was just wondering is I should fence it off until the plants grow bigger every time and then let them in it.
Also, pretty duckers!
Ah, then yes, fence it in, but your fence will need to be taller. I take my fences down when the plants are larger if they are something the ducks won’t demolish, like the tomato plants. Plants like lettuce or even dandelions won’t last a day but your ducks will be happy. Large leafy greens like Collard greens, Comfrey, or Hostas might be nibbled on but survive. My ducks do not like to eat most herbs but they do like to pick around the plants. I hope your ducks like their garden.
Ok, here's a picture of Daisy helping with the flowers. It would be to the left of the all flowers, in between them and that pile of flagstone. It look smaller here but it's quite large.

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