Duck Going Broody? Or Normal Laying?


Aug 6, 2021
Hello, I am an owner of three Buff Orpington Ducks. I bought them from someone who thought they were all female but they turned out being two male and one female. The female started laying about 5 weeks ago and is doing fine at it. The female recently made a nest between an old freezer and a wall and has been laying her eggs there. I see both of the drakes mate with her sometimes and I thought there would be some fertilized eggs but I haven’t seen any. I have been collecting the eggs from her nest but I have been thinking she may be going broody. I never see her lay on her eggs, she just lays them and then leaves. I’m going to leave her eggs in her nest to see if she will go broody but they aren’t fertilized. So some of my questions are,

Is she starting to go broody or is it normal laying?

My drakes are mating with her but aren’t fertilizing the eggs, is there a reason for that?

Should I leave her eggs in her nest or collect them?

Thank you for reading
Hello, I am an owner of three Buff Orpington Ducks. I bought them from someone who thought they were all female but they turned out being two male and one female. The female started laying about 5 weeks ago and is doing fine at it. The female recently made a nest between an old freezer and a wall and has been laying her eggs there. I see both of the drakes mate with her sometimes and I thought there would be some fertilized eggs but I haven’t seen any. I have been collecting the eggs from her nest but I have been thinking she may be going broody. I never see her lay on her eggs, she just lays them and then leaves. I’m going to leave her eggs in her nest to see if she will go broody but they aren’t fertilized. So some of my questions are,

Is she starting to go broody or is it normal laying?

My drakes are mating with her but aren’t fertilizing the eggs, is there a reason for that?

Should I leave her eggs in her nest or collect them?

Thank you for reading
You should collect them, she just chose the lay in a different spot, and this is where she is leaving her eggs. I don't think she is going broody. You should block off the area where she is laying and make her lay in the nesting boxes where she should be laying, otherwise the randomly placed eggs will attract rats and snakes.
You should collect them, she just chose the lay in a different spot, and this is where she is leaving her eggs. I don't think she is going broody. You should block off the area where she is laying and make her lay in the nesting boxes where she should be laying, otherwise the randomly placed eggs will attract rats and snakes
You should collect them, she just chose the lay in a different spot, and this is where she is leaving her eggs. I don't think she is going broody. You should block off the area where she is laying and make her lay in the nesting boxes where she should be laying, otherwise the randomly placed eggs will attract rats and snakes.
Ok, I will collect them regularly. I’ll block their access to the spot as well. Thank you 😊
Broody ducks act like they hate the world and everything in it. 🤣
Mine never listen to me as to where I want them to lay, but they try to take over the chicken's nesting boxes.
Your ducks might be changing locations due to you taking the eggs. My muscovy are pretty determined and will continue laying the eggs in the same spot regardless, but once in awhile they will change locations.
Also, since both males are mating her, you really need to consider getting more females to help lighten the pressure of being mated by 2 males. Or separate at least one of the males for now. They potentially can cause damage if they decide to gang up on her.

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