duck has feathers on the leg?!!

Just noticed feathers on my 5 year old Welshie's legs today; googled and found this thread. Apparently it's nothing to be worried about, lol. I've never noticed them on her before, odd they'd just start growing now.
Feathered legs are becoming more common. Its a defect.
There is a guy in Canada who actually breeds them and has developed lines that hold the leg feathering very well called Snyder Ducks.
I hatch 2-6 per year form my ancona duck flock but most do not feather out as adults. They lose the leg feathering
Feathered legs are becoming more common. Its a defect.
There is a guy in Canada who actually breeds them and has developed lines that hold the leg feathering very well called Snyder Ducks.
I hatch 2-6 per year form my ancona duck flock but most do not feather out as adults. They lose the leg feathering
Mine kept it shes a pekin
Hi I got my ducks a long time ago and I have always noticed that one of my drakes has white feathers on his legs. I don't know what they are actually. Hes had them since I got him I just want to be sure its not too serious. He doesn't limp or anything i didn't get him as I duckling so I'm not sure if he was hatched like that. Anyone ever seen anything like this.
Thanks, Hannah!

I will see if I can post a picture too.
I know it's posted date is a long while back, but I was searching for why my male King Duck has tiny feathers just above his feet on the side of his legs, I first thought it was a fungus, but looking closer it's tiny short down like feathers..
In the meantime, definitely see what sort of ducklings he produces. I wonder if it even is a gene, or if it's just a random mutation?
Ok thanks here are some pics I was able to get. Its not full of feathers if that's what they are, its about the same amount on each side.



My ducklings happen to have leg feathers! It's so crazy to me to think that this is something that exists in ducks. Mine are welsh harlequins and are just only a month old. So it's really cool to see that I'm not the only one with this very interesting oddity.

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