Duck has foamy eye? Need help!

I rescued a Chocolate Call a few months ago, she was being kept in a small pen with thirty chickens with no access to deep water, after free-ranging on my property for one month she regained feathers over her face. Here is a before and after (pictures aren't the best).

Sadly the poor girl passed a few weeks ago, she much enjoyed being able to do what she was meant to do the last few weeks of her life.

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She’s looking better, thanks for asking! I got the Terramycin for her and one of her eyes is nearly well, and the other is opening up a little more. She still isn’t too interested in food though but is eating a little
Try to entice her with other things too like chopped romaine maybe chopped tomatoes. Sliced grapes things that might get her eating. And incorporate her feed into this also.
The duck, (Lucy:) is doing better, her eyes look well and she’s starting to grow back some feathers. But she still won’t eat well, and she’s noticeably skinnier. Have and idea why she wouldn’t be eating much still?

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