Duck House/Pond Page Contest Spring/Summer 2012 - $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate

I am starting on my pond a second hand lowes preformliner and mtn rocks are where i am now but hopefully it will make a good duck pond.
We use an old solid horse trailer that we pulled down to our pond :) it is steel and works great....but I am getting more geese and ducks in a few weeks and need to build a bigger house for them all...I will make sure to take detailed pictures along the way and post them here :) it will still be a few months before I get around to it... saving up $$$ now :) but it will hopefully be able to house 6-10 geese and 15-20 ducks when I am through and I am hoping to be able to make it pretty as my husband is a carpenter...but convincing him that now the ducks need something nice (I just got him to do a coop for the chicks haha) will also take some time....and if all else fails I'll try to do it myself and then have him 'take pity on me'
works every time
Ooh sounds like fun! I have a couple Welshies hatching out as I type, and 3 little quacks coming in the mail in a few days, so I need to start thinking about a new "duck space". If this hasn't ended by then, I'd love to take part!
I love this! we are brand new to BYC and are currently trying to figure out the best type of pond for our 3 Pekin ducks.
I doubt you need to bother until it gets to 20 below zero. I waited to put my ducks out last year until I had their little house built, and they never went in it until about the end of January when it was so cold and blowing so hard, they must have felt they had no choice. They stayed out even through ice and snow storms.

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