Duck House/Pond Page Contest Spring/Summer 2012 - $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate

I had to train mine or they would never go up by them selves...I spent many years of my youth herding them up through the winter.... swimming and all
...when we got them again a few years ago, again, I wanted to avoid this...the 1st batch I used treats at night time and they eventually got the new group this year I am raising with chickens and a night light...the chickens help herd the ducks up, as they are good at it...I have had to move them a few time because of predators and they are beside the house right now in our fenced in yard ... and all I do is put up a light so they know where to go, the chickens lead and the ducks follow... hopefully once the chickens move to their permanent coop the ducks will still remember what to do haha geese are better i think. No one is at our pond right now, I have to get it fenced in 1st... they sometimes seem to go wild when on a real pond for the 1st time, so I probably wont introduce them to it until this fall after plenty of free ranging my yard and once they are a bit older, and once it is fenced in!!! I'm trying to decide the best location for their coop/ the pond, between the pond and my house (the pond is about 100 yards away) or in my yard and they can walk to the pond
but then I think they will not put themselves up as well????so much to think about! any other ideas on getting ducks and geese into their coops at night?
Ya, a place to show your duck or goose coop pics!!! Here are mine I have 3 actually,
1. My brothers old truck toper that he was gonna take to the dump, I took some old srapes and 3 pallets to make the back and the side with. We then screwed the toppper to the barn and the pallets, I then put in a double feeder for the calcium,and grit. Thier feeder is in the far back to stay out of the rain.
This is 8 pannels of a dog kennel with chicken wire on top with a tarp and a dog house for shelter. How ever in a severe rain storm it didn't hold up. THis was for the Call ducks. Thier kiddie pool is on the out side of thier shelter.
3. There is 6 ft pallets one for each side and a 4 ft'er for an entrence area. We also used some old coregated steal roofing from an old buiilding. We accually made two of them, one for each duck pen , one is a breeders pen and another is for my juniors and mix bred ducks.
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Ours is rather red-neck right now. The Pekins, Donald and Duckers, shared a dog run covered with screen with a dog igloo in it for shelter. The Muscovy has her/his own crate. The new new Pekin girls, Daisy and Daffodil, decided to move in with the boys. They are only in there at night - the rest of the time they roam free. Have a small pond and two black tubs of water for them - that way they don't fight over watering holes. Their shelters are in an old cistern. The property has two wells on it that are now non-functioning. Most of the cistern has been filled in - the rest is going to be incorporated into a duck yard. That way they all have more room to roam when locked up. Will be our summer project so going to be checking out the pictures.
I think it helps that it is a deep pond, over four feet deep. I made it for Koi but most were eaten by a Heron. I do keep a filter running, and I think the waterfall helps to put air in the pond. I also believe that the plants help keep it clean.
I am not an expert but I do enjoy the pond and watching the duck swim in it. It seems to make her so happy.
Frogs came to the pond and one day I saw the duck with a frog in her mouth! I had no idea a duck would try and eat a frog. Actually she never did---she got out of the pond was running around my yard with the frog's legs hanging out of her mouth while the chickens chased her around trying to get some too! Of course I didn't think to take a video. I found the poor frog dead in the yard later. Gee, what was all that about?
I have a friend that had a few hens in a pen with a small children's pool. Someone gave her a young drake. Long story short, the drake ended up drowning two of the hens before my friend realized what was happening. The pool, not being very deep, didn't give the hens any way to escape the overzealous drake and he drowned them. Just something to think about.
I have a friend that had a few hens in a pen with a small children's pool. Someone gave her a young drake. Long story short, the drake ended up drowning two of the hens before my friend realized what was happening. The pool, not being very deep, didn't give the hens any way to escape the overzealous drake and he drowned them. Just something to think about.

OMG--that is awful. My ducks never seem to bother my chickens. OTOH my chickens don't hand around the pond.
Nope - they are hens, too. That is why we have the shallow tubs of water. We had a handicap hen for awhile and Donald would get overzealous. Had to separate them after awhile. My current girls can hold their own.

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