You people are brave! I don't have any pics right now but my run is 12x12 hardware cloth and 2x4s with a wire and paver skirt around it, combination locks and love video cameras! I'm soo paranoid though. They NEVER free range unless I'm literally staring at them full time. I'm a bit safety crazed. This is heir third coop in 2 years! Lol I always find out safer ways and build a whole new coop and run. I'll try to get pics up later. I'm letting ivy climb over it so it's like a little secret duck pen! Lol I'm nuts

LOL mrpekinduck - have you had losses in the past, or are you just being proactive? I'm sure your ducks appreciate their high security digs!
Thank you so much. You only see a tiny corner of the pond. They will have lots of fun when we turn them out. Four of the ducks have been on the pond before and in the evening they just returned to the kennel. I'm hoping when I turn all 16 out Jake the drake will lead them back into their pen come bedtime.Otherwise, I will have to stay out all night with a shotgun in hand to protect the little buggers. LOL
Hope it's OK that I post a picture of our setup. I'm new here, my husband and I are getting our first ducks in the mail next Tuesday. He has been building a coop for them the last week and so far so good. We are going to add wire to the floor to deter tunneling predators and paint it next weekend. We'll have a deep litter system in the coop with pine shavings and sand and pea gravel in the run where their food and water/pool will be. We're getting four ducks.

My ducks have finally got to move into their own house today!!!! So happy to get them out of the chicken house and into a place of their own. My son

Jason built, then placed the house and pen out by my pond. In a few days I will turn them out to the pond in the day time and at night they can be securely locked away in the "duck palace". WHOO HOO!!!! Happy ducks and happy ME.Notice, there are skylights on each side of the roof for extra lighting. I am so impressed with the awesome job Jason did.

That is awesome, your son did a great job and what a nice setting your ducks will love it. When you let your ducks onto the pond be very careful to watch for snapping turtles they can really injure ducks and ducklings.
Hope it's OK that I post a picture of our setup. I'm new here, my husband and I are getting our first ducks in the mail next Tuesday. He has been building a coop for them the last week and so far so good. We are going to add wire to the floor to deter tunneling predators and paint it next weekend. We'll have a deep litter system in the coop with pine shavings and sand and pea gravel in the run where their food and water/pool will be. We're getting four ducks.

Very nice, sounds like you got it all covered including security. Post back when finished and ducks are delivered!! And
This thread has given me soooo many new ideas for my duck/goose breeding pens that are going to build here soon hopefully, IF we do get them done I will post pictures

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