Duck Hysterectomy?

Hi! My sweet Rosy had a hysterectomy - they only take the oviduct and not the ovaries. It was a quick procedure - in/out of the vet the same day and 2 weeks of home/indoor/sterile recovery. I just set up a playpen with white towels to bleach often since it had to be a super sterile and clean place for recovery. I would do it again. It saved her life. 🥰
Hi! My sweet Rosy had a hysterectomy - they only take the oviduct and not the ovaries. It was a quick procedure - in/out of the vet the same day and 2 weeks of home/indoor/sterile recovery. I just set up a playpen with white towels to bleach often since it had to be a super sterile and clean place for recovery. I would do it again. It saved her life. 🥰
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that!

What was her condition that necessitated the procedure? My vet made it sound risky and only somewhat successful.
Rosy had an egg that got bound up in her oviduct and then passed - so a prolapse with an egg wrapped inside. It was horrible. I was fortunate to find this vet - she was so confident and quick. I also have a duck, Abby, that is on the hormone implant because she has a laying issue - and that has been successful at preventing laying. May be a good thing to try first if you or your vet are unsure about the surgery.
How do you keep Rosey separated?
I keep my drake Jabby separated from the rest of the girls during the day in their house/run with a little dog kennel fence thing - see but no touch. At night he sleeps with 2 girls so he's not lonely. I also alternate yard time between the older bunch of 5 (includes my drake) and the 4 littles (includes Rosy). It was a little bit of work at first but now it's become routine - funny how ducks can get used to a new routine so fast! They separate themselves now which is wonderful :D and Jabby puts himself in his separate area when he comes back inside. They are so smart!
I asked about the implant. The vet was not keen on the idea. Said it would take 2 implants and would need to be redone every 4 months or so. She said it wasn't always effective. She also said it would cost $500 each time. I'd be willing to pay that, honestly.

I am going to try to find another vet and get a 2nd opinion.

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