Duck injury question

I was so focused on getting her better I forgot about him! When I put him in there last night I think he was very confused that she was alive, I don't think he noticed her neck. So far this morning he wasn't bothering her either, but a lot of water was gone so he probably drank most of it. I'm thinking about adding another bowl of water in there. When I get the vitamins is he allowed to drink it too, or should I seperate them when I give it to her. I think you said last night the vitamin is once a day. If so can I mix acv in the water the next day, or just keep it plain water? If I add another bowl should I do one bowl with vitamins the other with a little acv in it? I've heard good things about the blue kote before! But since I'm bathing her in the house is it a good idea to use? Does it dry quickly? I've also seen this item called vet rx in the chicken aisle, has anyone heard of that? Should I get that too?
The vitamins ought to do him no harm, you might follow vitamin water with plain water, then next bowl water with ACV. Just go with what makes sense to you.

I have not used Blu Kote yet, Miss Lydia can probably answer that better. And I have some VetRX but have heard different opinions about it.
I thought VetRX was mainly for respiratory? I have some just haven't used it. The blue kote dries pretty fast but if he isn't messing with her I'd wait and use it when you have to doctor someone outside just isn't worth worrying about getting that stuff on walls etc. I have had to wear it on my hands for quite a few days and have a couple towels with purple places on it. I also have a pair of jeans that have blue kote on them.

If you get the PND I think I'd use it day on day off till she is eating good again like PND today and ACV tomorrow when you give fresh water. PND is very supportive when they are going through healing of illness or injury. And won't hurt your drake either. I use it here as immune booster a couple times a week and in molt they get it every other day.

I bet those 2 had a lot of making up to do poor guy thinking she was dead most likely. You need to post some pics I would love to see them.
Ok great! I'll start that today! Hopefully I can get her to eat! I'll do some more research on the vet rx. Also I called my TS and of course they don't have the nutri drench in stock , and neither does the other ones around me
You would think a store related to farming would carry more farming related items in stock!!! I have to go there today anyways, maybe it will magically come back in stock!
I'll buy the blue kote as a back up, I really wanted to get the nutri drench!! I'll have to find someone who sells it online! I'll sneak a few pictures when they least expect it!
I do have an older picture of my drake the day after I found him. He thought he could blend in with the chickens and I wouldn't notice! When I get home later I'll get one of them together! I actually wasn't sure of his breed, so I posted a while ago in one of the duck forums. We came to the conclusion that he might be a Rouen, he is a very large duck!

I do have an older picture of my drake the day after I found him. He thought he could blend in with the chickens and I wouldn't notice! When I get home later I'll get one of them together! I actually wasn't sure of his breed, so I posted a while ago in one of the duck forums. We came to the conclusion that he might be a Rouen, he is a very large duck!

LOL that's funny about blending in.. He's beautiful. Looks full of personality too.
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