Duck introductions


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2023
So I have 4 females 2 males and they are just about 20 weeks and figuring out the birds and the bees. I knew my numbers were off but i figured I'd lose one of the males during brooding or something so i got 2 well that didnt happen so i have 3 baby females about 4 weeks old now (and 3 geese the same age) the babies are all in a wire crate in the main coop area so they can see eachother. When i have taken them out in the run with the big ones and watched them ive noticed a few instances that have me concerned. My jumbo pekin (hes BIG) came up to the goslings and used his head and body to knock them over and possibly mount them im not sure if he was just being a turd or trying to mate with them. Wouldnt be surprised either way. But that got me thinking about when it will be safe for the new ladies to be with them some say 8 weeks but can they really withstand mating at that age the poor things i dont want them to get hurt. The females came and nipped at the babies once when they were out but my adult ducks as soon as they went outside wanted nothing to do with me they used to eat out of my hand and now they like to keep a 6 ft distance at all times even during treats. I'll toss goodies at them and if i toss them too close they wont go near them. Oh well they are still lovely to watch and i prefer them over chickens honestly but it is easy for me to keep them apart as the babies are less scared although the ducklings are terrified the geese come.right up to me. But anywho what should i be concern3d about andnwhen should they be "safe-ish" from the "party"
The ducklings should not be with drakes until at least 4 months old [laying age] A drake can seriously injure them. It's best to keep them close so they can still get use to each other but keep the ducklings away for your drake.
The ducklings should not be with drakes until at least 4 months old [laying age] A drake can seriously injure them. It's best to keep them close so they can still get use to each other but keep the ducklings away for your drake.
So it may be better to just put the males in the freezer then im thinking.... if they are a danger to my new ones right now the babies are in a pen inside the big ones coop and everythingnis going allright there but i didnt think id have to separate them that long i was thinking like 10 weeks maybe but 16-20 thats a long time without going outside... so second question will my existing females likely be sad or relieved i dunno 🤔 the geese who are going to be table geese are getting too big for it so if they all cant be set free then perhaps the problem children gotta go...
There’s always the chance the drakes won’t mess with the ducklings but when I have ducklings I supervise time with the adults just to make sure the drakes don’t go after the ducklings. Other times they are in a dog xpen in the same area as everyone else but the drakes don’t have access to them. I love my drakes and think they add to my flock the girls love them too. Always up to the ones dealing with their flocks what they decide. I have 2 drakes Muscovy and Runner neither have ever gone after a duckling for mating, but I’ve read of others on here that have had drakes that have.

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