duck laying multiple eggs each day?

My Buff lays 2 a day, quite often. She doesn't skip days ever, either. She is an amazing layer. My Ancona hens lay beautifully, too, but I am pretty sure it is my Buff who lays the doubles. Usually 3/4 days a week I get 2 from her.
She's lovely.
My Buff lays 2 a day, quite often. She doesn't skip days ever, either. She is an amazing layer. My Ancona hens lay beautifully, too, but I am pretty sure it is my Buff who lays the doubles. Usually 3/4 days a week I get 2 from her.
She's lovely.

I found out this, "
Buff Orpington Duck Hatching Eggs

The Buff duck is a rare buff colored breed and a dual purpose farm duck. Also known as Orpington Ducks, the buff duck is classified by breeders as a medium weight duck. They are an excellent duck to raise for tasty meat because of their rapid growth. The hens may also lay up to approximately 220 eggs per year.

Buff Orpington ducks have a long, broad carriage that supports a handsomely curved neck. The most desired breeder buffs have strong strong legs, an active disposition, and have an above average egg laying history.

Buff Orpington ducks are typically very active and attractive birds. They have a sturdy and upright posture, as part of their breeding origin is from the Indian Runner Duck.

AND, I found this, "The Runner is the "Leghorn" of the duck breeds for eggs and a veritable egg-machine when properly handled. . .Sooooo that explains why my Buff ducks (breeded from the Indian Runner duck breeds) are such excellent layers!
I can assure you, I am NOT joking! PJ is most assuredly a male. He doesn't look anything like the female and has the distinctive curled drake feather. I will conjecture, as one person replied, that her hormones are screwy. The eggs are smaller than my chickens' eggs, but then they lay extra large to jumbos. Aside from the chickens, which all lay brown or green eggs, the only other birds that have been in their pen have been a few crows eating their food. We feed them Purina game bird chow and they free range during the day. My male cocker spaniel goes in there trolling for food, but apart from that, nothing else has been in there.
It is possible usually happens when they are very young. There are a few breeds that are more likely to lay more than 1 a day. Pekin can be multiple layers. I have 3 female Pekin and 1 male Rouen. I collect 3-5 eggs a day and about once or twice a week find 2-3 soft shell when I get home from work. My girls are young about 7 months.
I have a mating pair of Buff Orpington ducks. They are just now about 5 months old. Yesterday, my husband brought in 3 eggs from their nest. I hadn't seen any the day before. This morning there are FIVE on the nest!
These are my first ducks. I have chickens and have had turkeys before. Is this possible? I guess it must be because there were none on it last night and five this morning! Does anyone else out there have ducks that lay more than one in a day?
I have 2 white pekin.. male and female. Female is 7 months old. Just began laying eggs this week. She laid 3 in one day. 2 of the eggs were soft. I'm a little surprised. We have no other ducks or chickens. So I'm positive they are hers. Not sure why she laid so many

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