Duck lays almost all double yolk eggs...Is this normal??


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
What the heck is going on with my Pekin hen? She just started laying a few weeks ago, and since then has been in almost everyday layer.

Problem is, almost ALL her eggs are double yolked! Why is this happening, and will she continue to do this forever? Also how will it affect our ability to hatch her eggs in the future if they're mostly twins?

And lastly will it negatively affect my ability to sell her eggs?
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A lot of times birds who've just started laying will lay unusual eggs- sometimes eggs with no yolk, sometimes eggs with just a yolk, sometimes weird shapes or sizes... in your case, perhaps it is double yolked. This should calm down in time. Until then, enjoy eating some AWESOME double yolked duck eggs imo.

And if it DOESN'T stop, then you can *try* to hatch her eggs but know in advance that the ducklings will be more likely to die in the egg and will need help to hatch regardless of any condition in the incubator.
Yeah I was afraid of the disappointment of having so many ducklings that don't make it, however I hear there's not been many twin eggs hatch, so it may be worth it to try.
I can't believe that that she's had so many doubles! I think 3/4 of them are like that. Good to hear that it could get better!

Thanks for the input!
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I have her on layer crumbles from our usual feed store. I could check the percentage. She also free ranges, so she has access to lots of land to forage, should I take her down to just regular crumbles and not layer?

I took her off eggs, which she loves except for an occasional treat now, since we started her on layer feed.
If you take her down to regular crumble then you have to offer oyster shell on the side. I would also add electrolytes/vitamins to her water once every 2 weeks. Its draining to produce eggs. The trigger for large eggs is the protein content. It should be less then 17 percent. Ideally 14.5%. Of course it will get higher if she eats lots of slugs and worms.
She eats a lot of slugs from the yard, so perhaps I should take her down. Silly question, where would I get the oyster shells?
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