Duck loosing color?

It appears she's in molt. Her darker colour will return..
She hasn’t actually lost any feathers yet, she is probably about to start molting, my other domestic ducks have almost finished their molt! She is very dark on her back, and on her belly. Could she possibly be so grumpy because she is in molt? She has had a broody attitude for about 2 months now and she’s made no real effort to stay on the nest. :rolleyes:
She hasn’t actually lost any feathers yet, she is probably about to start molting, my other domestic ducks have almost finished their molt! She is very dark on her back, and on her belly. Could she possibly be so grumpy because she is in molt? She has had a broody attitude for about 2 months now and she’s made no real effort to stay on the nest. :rolleyes:
Yes...I'm pretty sure she will start soon and that's probably her temperament..
My Muscovy's don't start their molts till fall usually in Sept. Probably depends on where you live since your in Alabama.

Grumpy is one way of saying broody boy they can be grumpy.
She is so grumpy :rolleyes:
She squeaks everytime I go outside. I have to chase her to pick her up! I can’t wait for her to be sweet again :fl
I know it's quite comical really the squeaks the chasing mine will even go after my rooster who they give a wide berth to when they aren't broody. Everyone knows to stay out of their way. :lol: Soon they will be their selves again. I am surprised she hasn't tried to sit on eggs though or do you take them up daily?

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