Duck losing feathers


Apr 23, 2023
One of my female ducks is losing feathers and I believe that it is over mating but I just want to know is there anything else that could do that?
Molting is one way. Pictures would be nice. Where is she losing feathers?
Sorry for the late response I had some work to do and her back looks crooked because when she was a duckling she got bit by a dog and fractured her back and the vets told us that what she was just gonna be like but anyways here are the pictures


She is losing feathers in her neck and under her wings.
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Have you drakes? This looks like probably molt . Sometimes especially this time of year mating drakes can pull out neck feathers when grabbing hold to climb on to mate. But He wouldn't be pulling feathers out from under her wings. Check for mites and lice. Mites will be tiny pepper-looking bugs that crawl super fast. Look closely at her skin. If she has access to bathing water most likely she won't have them. Lice attach to the feather shafts. There are pictures online.
Well, you may have 2 things going on then could be a molt and the loss of feathers on her back and neck maybe from the drakes. Keep an eye on things so you can separate if the drakes are causing raw soreness on her skin.

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