Duck Microchipping?

Anyone ever Microshipped a duck, or have thoughts on it?
yes it is done more offen then most people know the best way to do it is to find a bird vet and have the doctor do it for you... so everyone knows you can find that most all vets will ether chip your pet or will know some one who can .. and most all pet shelters do cxheck all animals for chips.. however you the pet owner must make sure your pets info. is up to date ... if you get a new phone number make sure to up date it or the chip will do you no good.
Anyone ever Microshipped a duck, or have thoughts on it?
i had my duck chipe and it is best to have a bird vet do it it will run you around 60$ because they do put the bird to sleep so they dont move when being chiped ... most vets will also put a band on the bird to show that there is a chip in side... my duck cory can fly , and in the 11 years that i have had him being chip makes me feel he has chanch to return home shoul he get picked up by someone hi has taken off a few times but corey the duck always return home at dusk..
I've never heard of it in poultry and honestly don't think it would be a practical idea. If your duck shows up in a animal shelter I doubt many other people would try to claim it as theirs.
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My friend has had a problem with people letting her animals out at the barn.
She got nervous that he would either fly away, "get out" or be let out, so she asked me about it, I honestly didnt know what to say, so I told her Id look into it..
It can be done, but unless you're breeding high quality show stock, the cost of the microchip will be several times the value of the duck. I doubt that anyone who finds a lost duck will even think to have it scanned. Most shelters probably wouldn't even think about doing it. Your friend would be better off spending her efforts in trying to find a more secure place to keep her birds, or else insist that whoever is letting them out stop doing it.
Hi, thank you for your reply.
I don't believe she put's or has any "value" to her animals. She doesn't think of them in that manner.
They are never associated with the cost of something being worth it or not. Its whatever it takes to take care of them.
Coming from that school of thought myself, Sherman (the duck), is worth whatever it takes to keep him safe.
As far as the people letting them out, we of course, have put tremendous efforts into it, and are working on it.
People do whatever they want to do. It is a daily endeavor.

Thanks again for your reply.

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