Duck mom gone and left her eggs


Jun 22, 2020
I had a duck sitting on some eggs for about a week and when I went out this morning I couldn't find her. I assumed she got taken by a wild animal or my neighbors dog🙄. I already have 20 eggs in my incubator that should hatch in a few days and have no where else to put her eggs. Is there a way I could incubate them without a machine? Or maybe I could try and encourage another duck to sit on them? She had 9 eggs.
You can ask a friend to see if they can incubate them for you.
Candle them and see how far along they got.
Like Hysop said, if you happen to have a friend with an incubator or a broody duck/chicken, you could ask them to incubate the eggs for you. You could also make a homemade incubator if you are desperate but there is a low chance that would work for duck eggs.
If you can readily get another duck to sit on the eggs that would be good but all of this depends on weather or not the eggs are dead by now.

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