Duck opening and closing bill

Isabelle Johnson

Sep 11, 2020
My mallard ducks open and close there mouth a lot but it looks like they can’t control it. It happens most often when they are in water. I’m not sure if it is something I should be concerned about or not. I took and video because it is hard to describe I’ll post it separately.
Please post the video. It sounds like normal behaviour if all else appears normal. Our guys do something that sounds like what you are describing when they are in the water. It's usually after lots of splashing, and it looks almost like they are trying to clear their ears like you or I might do on an airplane.
Yes they usually only do it in the water after they have been splashing
Please post the video. It sounds like normal behaviour if all else appears normal. Our guys do something that sounds like what you are describing when they are in the water. It's usually after lots of splashing, and it looks almost like they are trying to clear their ears like you or I might do on an airplane.

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