Duck 'orientation'?!

Wow...where are you going to find full grown females..that was my problem..I advertise on the net looking to buy them but get little to no response..either they are way far away or want a fortune...but I did notify one drake..who is typically a top guy, has a red back of his neck..that’s got to be why...hmmm...geez...even more reason I need to do something about my situation...good luck with your boys ❤️
You can find adult females here.
Every now
Wow...where are you going to find full grown females..that was my problem..I advertise on the net looking to buy them but get little to no response..either they are way far away or want a fortune...but I did notify one drake..who is typically a top guy, has a red back of his neck..that’s got to be why...hmmm...geez...even more reason I need to do something about my situation...good luck with your boys ❤️

Every now and then someone on Craigslist will post that they've got too many and need to thin out their flock. Someone recently posted that they had about 100 khaki hens for $12 each. Someone else had a mixed flock mostly muscovys that were 5/$20... Those are the best deals I've found lately.

I bet the red neck is why he's dominant too. Our male Pekin established dominance real quick. He's the biggest. Tho he's pretty slow. But I figured at first chasing no face around would get him some exercise but now.. Well.. it's not turning out so well. I separated the pekins from the other boys this morning. No face got 'pinned' pretty good overnight. This morning he had only his downy fluffy feathers in about a 1"circle on his back/just below neck/between shoulders. So I need to come up with another sleeping and run arrangement for them until we get more girls. Maybe they'll have to alternate am/pm run time with the pekins.
Every now

Every now and then someone on Craigslist will post that they've got too many and need to thin out their flock. Someone recently posted that they had about 100 khaki hens for $12 each. Someone else had a mixed flock mostly muscovys that were 5/$20... Those are the best deals I've found lately.

I bet the red neck is why he's dominant too. Our male Pekin established dominance real quick. He's the biggest. Tho he's pretty slow. But I figured at first chasing no face around would get him some exercise but now.. Well.. it's not turning out so well. I separated the pekins from the other boys this morning. No face got 'pinned' pretty good overnight. This morning he had only his downy fluffy feathers in about a 1"circle on his back/just below neck/between shoulders. So I need to come up with another sleeping and run arrangement for them until we get more girls. Maybe they'll have to alternate am/pm run time with the pekins.

**This khaki's name is No Face (spirited away reference)**
I don't think it's a fungus of any khaki drake is shedding a layer of his bill currently also. Seems to go hand in hand with the molt most of the time. The bill underneath the shed looks nice and healthy!
I don't think it's a fungus of any khaki drake is shedding a layer of his bill currently also. Seems to go hand in hand with the molt most of the time. The bill underneath the shed looks nice and healthy!
What about the brown/black strange stuff down the middle of his beak? That's just appeared just over the last two weeks and spreading downward
Not completely certain about that, I thought it was dirt in the picture. Sometimes it's just a pigment thing in their bills. My runner for example has sort of brown streaks and spots on hers. Unless you start seeing respiratory problems, issues eating, or it becomes irritated looking I wouldn't worry too much about it.
This is my drake Tom, you can see his bill isn't a uniform color either. This is before it really started shedding. Its almost finished now and he looks even more handsome :love
I have a duck who’s bill has some...some area...but I didn’t think much of it because the rest of them and him are I’ve noticed, over their growing, beaks change colors a lot. I have many breeds. And some days I have to look twice at my birds. Lol
So the situation with him is that he is one of three Drake's and one girl. We adopted them from the same home. However this khaki and his Drake buddy use to pick on the others. Initially I had adopted the other three but this khakis buddy went missing so he was by himself. So he came to join the rest of his original flock. Being that he came to our house after the other three I thought he was being picked on our of territorial/ dominance thing (like "you're on my turf now") but we've had them probably two months now and the bullying is only getting worse. And the khaki just lets it happen. This dark spot down the middle showed up small about a week or two ago and has spread. The dark part does have a weird almost slimy texture to it. Someone shared a beak fungus home remedy with me on another post I may try. Since I don’t know for sure that that’s what it is I’m going to wait a couple more days and see before doing anything unless it gets worse faster. However... Being that he's getting bullied I have to find a way to separate him because he doesn't seem to want to eat around the others because the pekin Drake chases him off. Today he got the cozy coop to himself with extra fresh food and water.

Something I just thought of is that it started shortly after we switched from wood chips too hay. I wonder if the hay pollen makes the pekin Drake a little crazier or if the hay started this thing on his beak and the pekin Drake is picking on him worse cuz khaki has something wrong

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