duck pool question

My ducks have a stock feed trough in their pen as a pool (it holds about 15 gallons or 60 litres). I empty and refill this every day. It gets so filthy looking so quickly that I want to do it twice a day but I know that that is being fussy and once a day is fine. The water drains to a sump (a tub set in the ground) and then is pumped onto the garden via an irrigation system. I have to flush the irrigation system regularly (did it today) as the water is so dirty. But the the garden loves it.

I also use a kiddie pool in the garden for when they are out of their pen (most of the time they are in their pen though, except on weekends). This pool gets changed every few days. Now and then I scrub it clean of algae.

It's incredible how quickly they can turn clean water brown!
We have a small kiddie pool that gets changed everyday and then a larger one that gets changed every 3 days or so. The smaller one they have access to 24 hours a day so it gets nasty. My ducks will not go in it if it is dirty! They start yelling at me and looking at the pool and then back up at me as if to say, "Hey are you going to change this thing? Someone pooped in here!"
As soon as there is clean water they hop right in and go crazy. They are a bit spoiled!
I swapped their 6ft pool for a 4ft infant sized pool, so that I could change it every day. The larger one, I was trying to wait 3 days between changes... but by the end of day 2, they would sit in it all sour faced and stare at me. So, dump it and clean it, and I get crazy happy ducks again. It's their fault, they complain of dirty water, they get a smaller pool so I can clean it everyday and not worry about over watering the grass.
Ours have 3 small kiddie pools & the geese have a larger one. I try to change them everyday mainly because of how hot it's been. I've only managed to do it every other day this week since we've had so much rain. The first time they had watermelon, it scared me to death for a second when I saw the water the next day. I don't mind really changing the water because I like watching how much fun they have in their clean pools, but I hate doing it after they've had something like watermelon
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my kiddie pool gets green in 3 days... i cannot get some of it off (I scrub with a brush) but do not worry much about it. I just have a blue pool with dark green areas that one can see through the clear water....
I bet the pictures of pools are when those pools are brand new and look perfect....
I actually don't have a problem with getting the algae off of the pools. After I empty the water, I spray the entire pool super good (we have great water pressure along with a spray nozzle to blast away the main slime) ~ then I use a "toilet brush" to scrub the rest. It Works Great & I Never have to leave any green coloring. }}}Green wouldn't color coordinate with a purple, yellow or a blue pool. lol Also I have 5 extra pools put away just in case I ever got too lazy & didn't feel like cleaning, then I toss the dirty one & replace with a new. ~~In My Opinion....if your pool isn't in the direct sun, it doesn't get the algae as fast.~ I have an umbrella by one of my pools & two pools are partly shaded most of the day.
I have a large kiddie pool and I empty it every day. I have been told that chlorine is ok but I have never tried it. You will always have to clean it a lot though. It's part of the fun for me personally, my ducks get really excited. Of course I live in TN and it can HEAT UP XD the water gets hot durring the day and they are so happy to have cool water to bathe in every night they go nuts.

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