Duck possibly attacked or sick

I have not directly seen her eat today. But she's still drinking and foraging on the ground. She doesn't look weak. She's still hiding a lot in the tall grass and occasionally comes out to play in the pool but she definitely prefers the cover.

I didn't see any new light green poo splatterings though so I'm thinking she must've eaten last night and today while I was at work.

No sign of the owl (or anything else)
Usually we don’t see the flying preds until it’s to late. She should be cautious she had a terrible experience. Before a red tail hawk came down in front of my birds and killed on of my chickens my ducks would just stand and look up when a hawk was flying over head even when the rooster would make the warning call and all the chickens would run for cover but after that day boy they are very much aware of what’s up there now. It sounds like she is recovery that’s sounds good thanks for keeping us updated.
Just thought I'd update.

As of this morning she is completely back to normal. Very active, social, and eating and drinking with the others! I have not heard or seen Mr. Owl return and hopefully he finds somewhere else to hunt... plenty of squirrels around here, could probably feed the entire world population of owls with them..

Thanks for all your help and advice! The strange symptoms had me confused (and nervous). I wouldn't expect the thrashing and twitching to be from shock, but she's definitely better!

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