Duck Ratio Help?

Well, I've only had ducks for one year now. I have one of each. But the hen is a Rouen, and the drake is a Pekin. He is honestly too much for her alone. The feathers on the back of her neck are pretty much gone. :( I never thought to separate them until it was too late. He's only been super aggressive with her while she lays eggs. I've heard of people saying that too many drakes can drown a hen if they all pile on top of her. I could see it happening. A few times, our drake would try to mount the hen while they were in their pond, or....actually EVERY time they were in the water. ( I don't know if being in the water made him more in the "mood" or what... ) She would always try to run, but he was relentless!! Now that she's "not laying", he's backed off. Our drake seems to be quite the aggressor anyway. He will chase us and nip. I think it depends on their personalities too. So I've heard from others, that their drakes are "nice". I have yet to experience this. It seems that our drake may become "dinner", and we'll try again with some new ducklings next year. I don't know how big Indian Runners get, but in comparison with Rouen vs. Pekin, Pekins win by 2/3's! So, take that into consideration too. Overall, ducks are fun..... as long as they have some manners!
Where are you located? I have 3 Indian Runners and I wouldn't take anything for mine.
They are so entertaining and fun do tricks and are so tame. But don't like to be held.
I have two french Muscovies a drake and a hen they are 12 weeks old the hen doesn't seem to like me holding her but the drake basically jumps into my arms he love to snuggle his little head into my hair
I have two Indian Runners, one female and one male. If the male is "harrassing" the female (biting and not letting go), she will run around, and if that does not work, I usually spank the male. HOwever, the running around will work most of the time. My ratio for Indian Runner has always been 1:1, since I have never reall kept more that two. For more information on INdian Runners though, here is a great little website:
Hope it helps and have a wonderful time with these priceless ducks!
P.S.: I have never owned Pekins, sorry.
I've been wondering what to do about my ratio also. I have three Peking ducks. One female and two males. The one male is always jumping on the female and today in the pool the other male started fighting with the aggressive one while that one was on the female and it's getting a little dangerous. My girl was under water for a long time I thought. They run all around our property all day, but I'm concerned for our females safety. Should I split them in two pens? Will they be better separated? Is breeding season all year? Should I get rid of my boys? Not sure what to do. They are 5months old.
I've been wondering what to do about my ratio also. I have three Peking ducks. One female and two males. The one male is always jumping on the female and today in the pool the other male started fighting with the aggressive one while that one was on the female and it's getting a little dangerous. My girl was under water for a long time I thought. They run all around our property all day, but I'm concerned for our females safety. Should I split them in two pens? Will they be better separated? Is breeding season all year? Should I get rid of my boys? Not sure what to do. They are 5months old.
i would rehome one boy and then get more girls....pekin are one of the worst and will rape and rape females till they die and with two boys to your one girl it is likely they will hurt her eventually.

so again i'd keep one boy and the girl and then get 2 or 3 more girls so you have one drake and 3 or 4 girls for him
Well, I'm not familiar with that many breeds, and to know what/who is the worst or the most aggressive... BUT..... I DO have ONE pekin male. I HAD 3 females. His original "mate" is the only girl he likes. One female was eaten by a big bird, and so now we only have 2 ladies. He does NOT LIKE and DID NOT like any of the "new" ladies that I added (because of his severe aggression with his mate---she was almost bald on her neck). He always kept on his lady, and would attack the other ones. I have completely separated them all together. He's pretty nasty in the spring, he tries to nip me, and will chase you if you aren't armed with a stick. This time of year, he would still chase us, but he won't bite now when I pick him up. Every time I've thought he's "toned down" and let him out, he jumps on his girlfriend like a rude jerk. So to spare his life, he gets to live solo, and gets to talk to her through the chicken wire fence. :)

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