Duck run and pond Pics added come on guys really need some input PLEAS


10 Years
May 26, 2009
Ok I have been reading posts and still not sure what to do. My 3 ducks are in the end section of my coop with a door that goes to what I guess was an old screened in room like my other coop but only the cement foundation is left. and dirt is down about 1-2' all ready. I plan on putting in a 300 g rubbermaid stock tank and rigging up some way to drain it some how and then filling in with sand and rock but which shoudl go on top. What size rock large or medium river rock or pea gravel and then a sand layer. I guess maybe I would do sand on top and ring the pond with pavers and rock. I am thinking too much help. Will add pictures if I ever remember to do it when the sun is out.
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For me would not use such a big water tank,ducks are messy and will fowl the tank in 3-4 days(if not faster) and you will be going threw a lot of water just trying to keep things clean.Kiddie pools work great and would save you some water,and for me after you go iver the min. anout of water they charge alot for every extra 100 gallons.
Sand will noy stop them from digging go with rocks,broken bricks for me becuse they were free.
good luck
Ok this is what I have to work with. I am on a farm with well water. I had saw the thread with the 300g stock tank and thought that would work and was going to try to run a line out of it so I could water my garden but maybe that is not possible. So now not sure I need to get on this. What does everyone think. Stock Tank or a preformed pond liner. Need opinion ASAP if I get pond liner need to special order it and how big or deep and what design. HELP


Hopefully I can remove that cement block in the middle or will just cut off the spike.


The building need to get some new pics of the remodel and runs


ducks on the inside
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I use a large size kiddie pool for my ducks. In the summer I have to change it out about everyday because they are so messy. I wouldn't use anything that isn't easy to empty out and clean.
I just picked up a 20 gallon cement mixing tubfrom Home depot that I incorporated into my new duck pen. I feel it will give my calls enough water to splash and play in but will still be easy to drain and refill with out wasting so much water. My advise would be if you want something larger, go with a smaller stock tank. 300 gallons seems like an awful lot of water to have to keep draining and refilling. They do make such a mess


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