Duck-safe methods for algae control


5 Years
Oct 10, 2014
Northwest Ohio
Hey all!

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on ways to control algae growth in a pool. Our ducks use a large plastic water trough for a pool, and we get algae blooms really quickly, sometimes overnight! Not exactly sure how many gallons the pool is, but it's huge. Here's a pic:


Man, I haven't been on here in so long, it's atrocious, I know! Been busy with my new job and lost track of a lot of things. Lots has happened in the past few months. Lost my poor little blue Swedish duckling shortly after we introduced her and two others to the ducks outside. Everyone else isgreat tho.

Some exciting news! One of my four month old girls is laying already! She just started A few days ago. I wasn't expecting eggs from them for at least another two months, if not longer. I'm not sure who it is though. Could be either my cayuga female, WH female or my fawn and white runner female. The two other new girls are only three months old, so it can't be them. So far, I've collected three elongated eggs and two short squatty eggs with a grayish tinted bloom. I'm suspecting the Cayuga. The eggs are much smaller than my Pekin's eggs were. Maybe two girls are laying? I don't know, but my pekin stopped laying a month ago, and I'm happy to have fresh duck eggs again!


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Good Afternoon PotatoWaffles,

I envy your duck pool and your varied breeds, I'm unsure of the water line you have attached to your fence. However if you can either extend it or a standard 5/8 or 3/4 inch hose into your pool to the bottom in a half circle, you will be able to run fresh water into the pool, and in about 15 or 20 minutes it will clean up quite well.

I always find it works better if the water is directed clockwise, and in your case the overflow will be directed away from your home. This method will work even if all your ducks are in the pool as they are in your photo, and although this may sound like a lot of water usage it really isn't, perhaps 2 to 3 regular bathtubs. You will probably only have to do this 2 or so times a week, and it will be much cheaper and safer than algaecide or any other chemical additives.

I've used this same technique in kiddie pools and 3 foot deep round/oval horse troughs.
Hey all!

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on ways to control algae growth in a pool. Our ducks use a large plastic water trough for a pool, and we get algae blooms really quickly, sometimes overnight! Not exactly sure how many gallons the pool is, but it's huge. Here's a pic:

Man, I haven't been on here in so long, it's atrocious, I know! Been busy with my new job and lost track of a lot of things. Lots has happened in the past few months. Lost my poor little blue Swedish duckling shortly after we introduced her and two others to the ducks outside. Everyone else isgreat tho.

Some exciting news! One of my four month old girls is laying already! She just started A few days ago. I wasn't expecting eggs from them for at least another two months, if not longer. I'm not sure who it is though. Could be either my cayuga female, WH female or my fawn and white runner female. The two other new girls are only three months old, so it can't be them. So far, I've collected three elongated eggs and two short squatty eggs with a grayish tinted bloom. I'm suspecting the Cayuga. The eggs are much smaller than my Pekin's eggs were. Maybe two girls are laying? I don't know, but my pekin stopped laying a month ago, and I'm happy to have fresh duck eggs again!

Hi PotatoWaffles! Good to hear from you again. Sorry about your Blue Swedish.
Congrats on the eggs though. I'm guessing they might be runner or Welshie eggs. They look a lot like mine and those are the two breeds that I have. I heard Cayuga eggs can start out really dark, like almost black and lighten up over time.

I don't have any advice about your pool, but I too am jealous of it. It looks great!
Hi Smurfbrew,

I've never seen a 'plastic' trough that big before, but I found a similar one at Lowes for 250.00, 300 gallon capacity, and it's approx 6 feet in overall length and 24 inch's deep. (I will need a much larger pen, but I definitely want one!)

Hi Smurfbrew,

I've never seen a 'plastic' trough that big before, but I found a similar one at Lowes for 250.00, 300 gallon capacity, and it's approx 6 feet in overall length and 24 inch's deep. (I will need a much larger pen, but I definitely want one!)

I'd like one of those too.
a large kids wading pool is cheaper, sink it half way, I put bricks around the lip for support. Run a hose in it and refresh. Had it for over 7 years. Water is on a timer.

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