Duck trouble

Yea I know first I'm gonna introduce them to hewy since He's more of a outgoing duck he doesn't mind anything but my other duck I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him he's really curious
Yea I know first I'm gonna introduce them to hewy since He's more of a outgoing duck he doesn't mind anything but my other duck I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him he's really curious
You know you can't put your duckling right in with either of them though right? AND the new baby needs to be completely feathered before outside for good. I know you've been through this before but I'm a worry wort.
Yea I'm gonna introduce them slowly I'm not gonna just introduce them really quick yes my duckling won't be outside until he grow his feathers I'll have duckling outside in the afternoon for a while then I'll bring him inside again
Yea I'm gonna introduce them slowly I'm not gonna just introduce them really quick yes my duckling won't be outside until he grow his feathers I'll have duckling outside in the afternoon for a while then I'll bring him inside again
Be sure to let us know what you decide for a breed and pics and be sure to keep the lil one warm.
I got my 2 ducklings
I would say give the babies time to settle in, get used to you, make sure they are stable, health-wise (I am sure they are). You may need to wait a while, till the weather is milder and set up a pen within a pen so the bigs and the littles can just see each other, and you can watch them and interact with them, I like to give treats so everyone has a party at the same time. Do that a number of times and when the littles are as tall as the bigs, see if they can be in the same area together without too much fuss. Shoving and chasing are okay in my book. But anything more than that, I call a time out and we try again later.
These are rouen ducks which are a mix of a mallard and something else they are already starting to follow me around the house

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