Duck wart?


7 Years
Apr 21, 2012
New York
Hi all,

I got up close to one of my lady ducks today and noticed she has a wart above her right nostril. The wart is not blocking her nostril/airway so I am not extremely concerned. Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar or if I should be concerned about the wart (e.g. is it a sign of illness or just simply aging).
Hi all,

I got up close to one of my lady ducks today and noticed she has a wart above her right nostril. The wart is not blocking her nostril/airway so I am not extremely concerned. Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar or if I should be concerned about the wart (e.g. is it a sign of illness or just simply aging).

Hi jessiduck, can you post a pic? I've never seen a wart on a duck before. What makes you think that it is a wart? Not that I think you don't know what it is just curious how you know it's a wart and not just a growth of some kind.
Could be an infected puncture wound - I would dab some antibiotic ointment on it and see if it has an effect.

It could be fungal - warts are fungal. If so, something anti fungal might be worth a try, like pau d'arco if you go toward herbs, maybe monistat? I am not a vet, just thinking out loud, tossing out ideas.

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