duck went missing...update


10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
kountze texas
one of my female mallards went missing for about 2 weeks...I figured a hawk or dog got her. yesterday DH found her... about 3 weeks ago I thru out an old couch (out my patio door) expecting DH to take it to the dump... the couch is on its side and there is a slit in the bottom liner. dh hubby saw it moving and looked inside. my duck is there sitting on 4 eggs ... she used the stuffing of the couch to make her nest... sso I guess I will be havein baby ducks again in a couple of weeks..I am excited
Update : aparently this is the duck that was missing the longest. her babies are hatching
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haha congats! lucky you didnt take it too the dump!
another one of my female ducks that ha sbeen missing for awhile also showed back up this morning(no babies with her) she must have been nesting and something got her nest
my duck eggs are hatching...I went to feed momma duck and she has a baby under her. is still wet...I have sofa ducks... woo hoo

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