Duck with bumblefoot


May 27, 2020
I recently bought three adult Cayuga ducks- 2 females and a male. I am new to owning ducks and I did not even think about checking the feet. The poor things are rough looking and were housed with African Geese so I think they were picked on... they are also terrified of people! So treating her has been awesome... they are free range in my backyard which is grass and they have a pond, so no hard surfaces. Who knows what the place was like before though.

I am pretty positive one of the females has bumblefoot, very minor case compared to some pictures and threads I have seen. I soaked the foot in warm water with Epsom salt and Betadine for 30 minutes. I was able to removed a small dark-brown scab and squeezed the little bump and the only thing that came out was a bit of blood. I applied an antibiotic ointment and wrapped the foot. I have done this twice now. There is no scab but she is limping worse today. I HATE catching her because she is so scared of me. Hard to work on trust when I torture her haha.

Should I leave her be for a couple days or catch her and try cutting open the bump and see if there is infection?

Thanks savvy duck owners!
If you can get a picture that will help. I’d not work in it right now just keep soaking for now then post a pic again in a few days. One thing about bumble is it isn’t an easy fix most of the time it take patience and work to get it ready to be taken out. Hopefully the more you work with her the calmer she’ll become. Mealworms works for making friends too.
If you can get a picture that will help. I’d not work in it right now just keep soaking for now then post a pic again in a few days. One thing about bumble is it isn’t an easy fix most of the time it take patience and work to get it ready to be taken out. Hopefully the more you work with her the calmer she’ll become. Mealworms works for making friends too.

Thank you for replying! I was about to give up on receiving advice.

I soaked it yesterday and wrapped it again, but she fought like crazy and got the bandage off.. I ordered some booties so that should help. I’ll soak her again tomorrow and take a picture. She is still limping pretty bad, but seems in good spirits. Still laying eggs and eating. My husband tried giving her a treat and she hissed and snapped at him 😬. She’s just afraid, poor thing.

Unfortunately, the drake is limping now. I have no idea what’s going on. I was doing a bit of research and oregano oil in the water is an herbal antibiotic so I may try that to help with the healing process.
Couldn’t hurt. When you got them any idea how they were handled prior to you getting them? Just wondering if their legs may have gotten injured from being caught? Any idea age and what they were feeding them?

What are you feeding them now?
I have no idea. The guy met us at a store and handed us the ducks. So I am unsure of the living conditions or how they were treated. He said he fed them duck and goose feed. I don’t have that in my town so the feed store told me to use a poultry feed. They also get to free range in my backyard which is grass as well as a veggie garden. They also get free choice oyster shells. I’ve been trying to introduce them to sunflower seeds, veggies and fruits but they aren’t interested.
That will take time. They’ll come around but
for them to be so scared they may not have had much human contact. So you have your work cut out for you! Just be kind gentle and carry lots of treats and they’ll warm up.
Hmm, it looks really good but she is still limping like crazy.


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