Duck with Prolapsed Vent and Possible Necrotic Flesh Hanging Out


5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
Hi all. I am desperately hoping someone here will be able to help.
We have a 2 year old Khaki Campbell hen that free ranges on one acre with 5 other duck hens and 1 drake. She is fed Country Companion All Flock and a blend of oyster shells and grit, free-choice and free-feed. She has been laying normally until about a week ago when egg production just stopped. Yesterday morning she laid an egg (it was HUGE!) and when she walked away from the nest I noticed that she had flesh hanging out of her vent. We netted her and brought her into the house and I was able to get a look at things. She had a protuberance right at the vent entrance about the size of a golf ball and then a "rope" of flesh hanging beneath that, approximately 3 inches long. The egg was passed completely in the nest. We let her soak in a warm water Epsom salt bath for about 30 minutes and then slowly and gently worked on easing the flesh back in through the vent using witch hazel, mineral oil and Preparation H. We were able to get everything tucked back in and put her in a small cat carrier down in our dark basement with water with a small amount of apple cider vinegar in it. I checked on her throughout the day and then yesterday evening noticed some blood coming from her nostrils. Pulled her out of the crate and brought her back into the bathroom. Protuberance and hanging "rope" of flesh were back out and bloody. Back into another warm Epsom salt bath for almost an hour. There was enough blood that the bath water was pink tinted. Once again manipulated the flesh and protuberance back into her vent. The "rope" of flesh had gone from a pink color to a brownish tan color and was notably stiffer. Put her back in the crate overnight.
Checked on her this morning and bleeding had stopped, but once again the "rope" of flesh was hanging out. Discussed with husband and made the decision to cull her. Once we had everything set up we pulled her from the crate and I was able to see that the protuberance was gone (now just an empty "bag" of flesh rather than a swollen ball), all bleeding had stopped, and only about two inches of "rope" was hanging out. We decided to give it another try. Back into a warm Epsom salt soak for an hour. Able again to manipulate things back inside. The "rope" of flesh is almost completely tan in color now and stiff.
Not sure what else to do for her. It seems as though the "rope" of flesh is dying. Should I cut it off? And, without a vet to stitch things up or run antibiotics, am I just prolonging the inevitable?
She is very spunky and energetic. Drinking lots of water. I am withholding food at this point to try and avoid another egg forming. Was going to give her some yogurt, kale and spinach in the morning if she is still alive.
Going to a vet is not an option. So, I am hoping this is something I can handle here on the farm. Any and all advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I would like to help her and heal her and avoid culling her if at all possible, but recognize that this may be beyond anything I can handle here on the farm. Thanks for any and all help.
I will try to get some pictures tomorrow and post them.
Prolapse is treatable if you catch it before it dries out, ulcerates, and becomes infected. Without seeing it, I can't make the pronouncement she's beyond help, but it sure sounds like it.

Only a vet would be able to successfully cut away and suture the diseased and necrotic tissue, but I have doubts even they could save her.

I am not going to suggest you euthanize her without seeing a photo, but I suggest you look at that as likely being the best option for you both.
Hi all-
Here are three pictures of what I am dealing with this morning. The "rope" of flesh is significantly thinner and shorter this morning than it was yesterday. She is currently soaking in a warm bath and we will attempt to retreat after that. Any further advice would be greatly appreciated
Prolapse is treatable if you catch it before it dries out, ulcerates, and becomes infected. Without seeing it, I can't make the pronouncement she's beyond help, but it sure sounds like it.

Only a vet would be able to successfully cut away and suture the diseased and necrotic tissue, but I have doubts even they could save her.

I am not going to suggest you euthanize her without seeing a photo, but I suggest you look at that as likely being the best option for you both.
I don't see any necrotic tissue. Perhaps it was feces and washed away?

Be aware that bacteria is the number one enemy here. Unless @casportpony thinks it's unwise, I recommend soaking again in water and Betadine, take her out of the water, and spray Vetericyn on the protruding tissue, and immediately, while wet, push back inside an inch at a time with gloved fingers, beginning with the part closest to the vent. Go slowly, carefully. Do not rush this. Take your time, resting frequently, allowing her body to slowly draw the prolapse inside. Ideally, it will be a team effort. Keep spraying Vetericyn to keep the tissue wet.

Next, an antibiotic is essential for countering the certainty of bacterial contamination.

I concede my opinion to @casportpony as she has much more experience than I.
My concern is that the reproductive tract or intestines have torn in half and what's hanging out is the lower section. I would like to see it cleaned up so we can get an idea of how viable the tissue is.

Open to all thoughts and suggestions, so let's hear them.

I would like to figure out what is hanging out.

Duck vagina

This is a chicken, but ducks are similar. If she is still pooping I think it's safe to say that it's not intestines.
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