Duckling breed?


Feb 3, 2018
I have 3 new ducklings and am not entirely sure on their breeds.

The bigger yellow one is Murphy, the black and yellow is Atlas, and the small one is Goldilocks, named by my niece :)

Any help would be appreciated!!


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Thank you! They are presh, just which I knew what they were. The smallest is a pekin, I THINK lol
The Black and Yellow one is a Magpie, the yellow one with the dark bill, is a Welsh Harlequin and the other one is either a Pekin or a Buff Orpington. :). If you post pictures once they start to feather out, we can give you a better idea. Cute ducks by the way! They seem to be enjoying there bath. :D
The Black and Yellow one is a Magpie, the yellow one with the dark bill, is a Welsh Harlequin and the other one is either a Pekin or a Buff Orpington. :). If you post pictures once they start to feather out, we can give you a better idea. Cute ducks by the way! They seem to be enjoying there bath. :D
Not a welsh harlequin, they have almost completely black bills
I was wondering if Murphy, the bigger yellow was a fawn and white runner? And atlas, the black and yellow one was maybe a Rouen? Again I am new to ducks and am just googling stuff lol, I could be wayy off.

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