Duckling got stuck under waterer


12 Years
Feb 10, 2009
Rural Valley, PA
We have the Tractor Supply 1 gallon plastic waterer. I was with the chicks and ducks when we decided to run to town for grit and more bedding. Came home approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours later to find bedding all soaked. I noticed immediately that a duck was missing. Pickup the the waterer and there it was. It's ate & drank a little but then went to the corner to sleep. It's also preening while it's laying there dozing. Definitely not as active as it's brothers/sisters. Think it'll be okay? I'm really worried.
Another one with this dang waterer. I think they should put a warning label on this thing.

"leaks and will drown chicks if the water has no where to drain, use at your own risk"

I would just keep the duck warm, how old is it? How did it get under the waterer? It is probably just exhausted from trying to get out.
That's what hubbie said. Just tired. I think when it started getting light due to the ducks splashing the water out and all of them drinking it tilted. Only thing I can think of... Don't know what even made me look there except that there's no way they can get out of the brooder so where else would it be? We just got them Thursday at 6:45 AM from the hachery.
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