Duckling Grower Feed?

dude with the ducks

In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2017
I was wondering what would happen if I used 22% starter/grower feed for the first 7 weeks with my ducklings? I know your "supposed" to feed 22% for first 2 weeks and then 17% until they start laying. Or what would happen if I used a "layer" crumble that is 17% from weeks 3-first egg? I know that this is all not recommended but I was wondering if anybody knows what ACTUALLY happens to ducklings in their experience if they eat a layer crumble or high protein starter after the first 2 critical weeks? Thanks.
Layer has calcium. Calcium, especially combined with high protein, can mess up kidneys. High protein by itself is not usually much of a problem. I usually just feed chick crumble (18-20%) and put a waterer with some vitamin B in it next to the feeder.
My ducks absolutly love green cabbage. I hang it in the run for them as a treat/boredom buster. I currently feed them a mix of 18% layer feed and 20% mixed flock feed. I used to add scratch grains but with the winter approaching I decided to take it out to reduce waste. That said, my ducks only started on a layer feed a month ago. Prior to that it was an 18% chick feed.
All flock is perfect for feeding from hatch to time to leave this world . Purina Flock Raiser is one. Has all the necessary nutrients that ducklings need including niacin.
I would get whatever oats your feed store carries, you may not have a choice. Ducks are generally good eaters in my experience and won't care if they are whole or rolled or crimped.

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