Duckling hatched but no improvement

Laura Rees

In the Brooder
May 19, 2021
Hi people hope someone can help. I had two ducklings hatch unfortunately one passed the other is alive under a heat plate but there is no improvement on her. She was hatched under a broody hen I removed her due to the hen attacking her. It has been 24hours now and the duckling is constantly laying on her side. She wriggles a few times and kicks her legs and chirps but that's all what can I do


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Continue to keep her warm and quiet. But now you need to dip her beak into water fairly frequently. You can also wet your little finger tip and dip it in duck starter crumbles and offer the finger tip to the duckling, after dipping her bill into water.

I hope she makes it -- keep us informed
Hi people hope someone can help. I had two ducklings hatch unfortunately one passed the other is alive under a heat plate but there is no improvement on her. She was hatched under a broody hen I removed her due to the hen attacking her. It has been 24hours now and the duckling is constantly laying on her side. She wriggles a few times and kicks her legs and chirps but that's all what can I do
what temp is it under the heat plate?
Have you tried giving water? just tiny drops along the bill. If you have Poultry Nutri drench put some in the water. Make sure the water is warmish not cold.
Take a soft wash cloth wrap the duckling in it so when you pick it up it has a better chance of not aspirating when you give water. Then just try putting some vitamin water right along the bill and see if it will take some water. With it laying like it is risky for aspiration.
Her head is very floppy she is trying to lift it when I pick her up but it just so floppy like she hasnt got any strength in it. I'm beginning to think she may have been a little premature and that the hen attacked as soon as she started to pip.
This is what I have put her under. Still no improvement this morning ☹
I'm not sure what the temp is I just plug it in and off it warms up for me. I know I can't change the temp on it I would have to get the manual out and see what wattage it goes up to

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