Duckling help


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2020
Hi, I have a crested Indian runner duck that I had to assist hatching around two hours ago due to shrink wrapping. She’s very sticky in places and hasn’t stood up yet. She’s rolling around on her back a lot and kicking her legs out. I’m really worried something is wrong, she doesn’t seem to be able to support her neck. This is my first time hatching and any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Has she absorbed all the yolk? I think probably the best thing to do is to put her in a little tupperware type bowl on a dry paper towel and let her rest under the heat lamp. Hatching is hard, she's probably tired too.
It looked like she had, there wasn’t anything left in the shell. Thank you so much, I’ve done that. She has a really hard chunk of membrane covering one of her eyes. I’ve tried to soften it with warm water but it seems really stuck. I don’t know if you’ve had anything like that before?
It looked like she had, there wasn’t anything left in the shell. Thank you so much, I’ve done that. She has a really hard chunk of membrane covering one of her eyes. I’ve tried to soften it with warm water but it seems really stuck. I don’t know if you’ve had anything like that before?

Try dabbing it with a bit of coconut oil or mineral oil, then you can gently try pulling it off with a pair of tweezers. I agree with Donna, the duckling needs to rest, after another 24 hours I would administer a drop or two of a poultry vitamin along the side of her bill. Welcome to BYC, and best of luck to you and your duckling!
Try dabbing it with a bit of coconut oil or mineral oil, then you can gently try pulling it off with a pair of tweezers. I agree with Donna, the duckling needs to rest, after another 24 hours I would administer a drop or two of a poultry vitamin along the side of her bill. Welcome to BYC, and best of luck to you and your duckling!
Thank you, I’ll definitely try that. Thank you! I’m glad to be a part of it, It has been extremely helpful so far!
Glad to hear that, and if it doesn't come off with ease just keep dapping it and the membrane will eventually become loose, just keep the oil away from her eye as much as possible.
Hi, there!

Just checking into see how your bird is doing. Updates to these threads are very useful for people in the future experiencing the same problem.

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