Duckling Newbie


May 30, 2019
Dover, AR
Hi! I’m Jessi and I live on a farm in North-central Arkansas. Although I live on a farm with lots of chickens, they belong to my parents and I really don’t have anything to do with them. (Tbh their beady eyes kind of freak me out.)

I’m here for the ducks. I’m brand new to ducks and recently purchased 3 Cayuga ducklings to raise. They’re names are Mango, Peach and Clementine and they’re currently 10 days old. They’re currently inside in a brooder but will soon move to a pen in our backyard.

We have just about every farm animal you can think of, but the ducks and two dogs are the only ones that are “mine,” the rest belong to my family (chickens, runner ducks, cows, sheep, goats, horses, rabbits, dogs, and a mini donkey).

I have a 9.5 yr old Pug / Frenchie mix and a year and a half old Anatolian Shepherd / Maremma mix. (The ducklings are kept far away from the Pug mix because we had a tragedy occur with another set of ducklings last month.)

Anyway, every time I google a question about raising my ducks I find myself here, so I thought I should join. So hi!


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Hello Jessi and welcome to BYC. I hope that you enjoy your time here.

This is a useful link of “How to” BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3. I’d suggest including your location using the guide in the link above. You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie

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