Duckling Thread!

These are my duck babies, first year in several that I've been able to cave and buy feather babies. I REALLY wanted a WH baby. Didn't want to deal with shipping and the farm stores around me mostly order from Ideal, which is cool cause it's practically local, but they don't do welsh harlequins my local TS kept selling out of ducklings before i could get over there to look. So anyway i went to a local farm and picked 2 ducklings. The yellow gray fuzzy one, and the smallest brown with yellow chest. The other two i ended up getting from bar none the black is certainly a Cayuga, the brown one i had hoped would be a KC but it's looking like a Rouen. The two from the farm could certainly be mixed breeds but she had two Welsh hens and a drake so i crossed my fingers lol. Best guesses anyone?


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The top one is the little brown i got from the farm. My kids named him/her ghost. It's considerably smaller than the other 3. Same age as the large yellow one. (2 days between hatches i think) she had a few WH, i saw one buff, a ton of cayuga and rouens, and a couple of mallards and muscovy so your guess is as good as mine i just want friendly layers and a good male to femal ratio lol.
Thank you, i have 3 Americaunas, a dominique, and what I believe is a blue orpington, but the dominique and the fluffy gray one came from the same farm as the mystery ducklings. She didn't even know what her WHs were and while her whole horde had names and were well taken care of, she didn't know much by way of her individual breeds, and subscribed to very old school methods of sexing chicks and such
Thank you, i have 3 Americaunas, a dominique, and what I believe is a blue orpington, but the dominique and the fluffy gray one came from the same farm as the mystery ducklings. She didn't even know what her WHs were and while her whole horde had names and were well taken care of, she didn't know much by way of her individual breeds, and subscribed to very old school methods of sexing chicks and such
I hope I've had the chance to welcome you in new members forum, but none-the-less welcome and Happy Mother's day! Sorry for being late.

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