Hi first time Hatcher and just to be clear (I had people yell at me for it) yes I "assisted" a hatch but I did not force hatch it. It was in the egg for three days and began peeping softly I took a flashlight to look for blood vessels I didn't see any. I took tweezers and helped take off the hard shell so he could push himself out. when I realized he couldn't do it and began peeping softly again I took off carefully the membrane without a bleed out and he used his good leg to get himself out. he was halfway in the egg still so I put him in the incubator and I went to bed the next morning he was only using one leg. So to cut this story shorter here's a pic. I helped others hatched and they are fine so is this normal can I fix it? I'm really scared cuz I don't want this to be serious.